
Ett patientvänligt sjukhus - Exemplet Visby lasarett

800px-Visby_lasarett_sett_från_Galgberget_Visby_Sweden.jpg: 800x459, 96k (July 28, 2016, at 12:58 pm)

Författare: Barbro Ronsten

Institution: Växjö universitet

Abstrakt/Sammanfattning: The hospital of Visby was built with the intention of being patient friendly. It is situated by the sea and most of the rooms have a view over the water. Several nursing wards are built circular with the patient rooms shaped like "cake pieces" around a centre with a square in the middle where pharmacy and nursing station are located. That hospitals ought to be patient friendly are surely natural but weather this aspect affects or increases the recovery is unknown.

The comprehensive aim with the thesis is to inquire into the care environment with focus on patient friendliness. The research has been implemented through qualitative research interviews with informants from three different categories: 1) architects, politicians, project leaders and projectors 2) patients 3) careers and a metaanalysis. The analysis is inspired by one reflecting life world approach through a phenomenological perspective. The patients consider that single rooms have more advantages than the rooms with multiple patients and that the commitments of the personnel in the meeting with the care applicants have significance when it comes to participation and confirmation. No reliable care ideology can be recovered when the hospital of Visby was built. The care study shows that the care environment is something complex. The careers that participated in the study had difficulties to separate the care environment from the caring in general. The characteristic of the physical room can have an importance to the recovery, but the things that mean the most are the careers experiences and their experiences of the work environment. The care environment of the patient and the work environment constitutes of the same area. In the pleasant psychosocial work environment, an atmosphere of kindness, among the careers transmits to the patients and infuses them with confidence and creates security. It appears like the nature of the room is of less importance than the careers interaction with the patients. In the result it emerged that positive experiences of a pleasant and beautiful surrounding affects the patient.

Key words: environment, care environment, work environment, care construction work, phenomenology

Länk: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A223222&dswid=3805

Foto: wikipedia

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