
See the official user manual for the most up-to-date version of the information on this page.

Anonymous pattern matching functions can be defined using the syntax

   \ { p11 .. p1n -> e1 ; ... ; pm1 .. pmn -> em }

(where, as usual, \ and -> can be replaced by λ and ). Internally this is translated into a function definition of the following form:

    .extlam p11 .. p1n = e1
    .extlam pm1 .. pmn = em

This means that anonymous pattern matching functions are generative. For instance, refl will not be accepted as an inhabitant of the type

    (λ { true → true ; false → false }) ≡
    (λ { true → true ; false → false }),

because this is equivalent to extlam1 ≡ extlam2 for some distinct fresh names extlam1 and extlam2.

Currently the where and with constructions are not allowed in (the top-level clauses of) anonymous pattern matching functions.


    and : Bool → Bool → Bool
    and = λ { true x → x ; false _ → false }

    xor : Bool → Bool → Bool
    xor = λ { true  true  → false
            ; false false → false
            ; _     _     → true

    fst : {A : Set} {B : A → Set} → Σ A B → A
    fst = λ { (a , b) → a }

    snd : {A : Set} {B : A → Set} (p : Σ A B) → B (fst p)
    snd = λ { (a , b) → b }
Page last modified on December 14, 2018, at 06:30 pm
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