Welcome to the information page of the self-study course for PhD students on Category Theory and Homological Algebra at Chalmers, LP2 2018.

Course plan

See Course Plan HA for the plan of the course and the examination requirements.


This course will use the following literature:


The course is a self-study course. The students are responsible for reading, presenting, and discussing the material as well solving and discussing exercises they select from the above literature. In case of problems with the course or unresolved questions about the material they can contact:

  • Christian Sattler: sattler.christian@gmail.com
  • Thierry Coquand: coquand@chalmers.se

Previous and related courses

See CTFP18 for the concurrent master level course on category theory focussed on connections to functorial programming rather than homological algebra. See CTFP13 for a previous version of that course.