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Walid Taha is an professor at Halmstad University. His current interest is in modeling and simulation of cyberphysical systems. He was the principal investigator on a number of research awards and contracts from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Semi-conductor Research Consortium (SRC), and Texas Advanced Technology Program (ATP). He received an NSF CAREER award to develop Java Mint. He is the principle designer Java Mint (javamint.org), Acumen (acumen.cyphy.org), MetaOCaml (metaocaml.org), the and Verilog Preprocessor. He founded the ACM Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE), the IFIP Working Group on Program Generation (WG 2.11), and the Middle Earth Programming Languages Seminar (MEPLS). In 2009, he chaired the IFIP Working Conference on Domain Specific Languages (DSLs).