* Wrap up 14.10~ ** Francesco Mazzoli - GHCi mode for Agda. - Easy to install via emacs package mech. - Would be integrated with cabal install Agda - Travis CI build - Build ok once, now there's some problem. Trying to find where the problem is. ** James Chapman - Quotients.agda in stdlib. - Quotients for Setoid etc. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE record Quotient...(S : Setoid) : ... where field Q : Set c abs : S.Carrier → Q Quotients {c}{ℓ} = (S : Setoid c ℓ) → Quotient S compat f = {a a' : A} → a ≈ a' → f a ≅ f a′ #+END_EXAMPLE Examples would be added. - Category theory library: Categories.XXX. on jmchapman@github... - Modules organized like the toc of a textbook. - Initial, Terminal, ... Mono, Iso, ... Idems, Sections, ..., Pullbacks,... Functors, Naturals, Monads, Adjunctions, Monads.Kleisli, -.EM, ... - UN: Beware of module name crash at the toplevel (Categoies, Adunctions, Functors, ...) - May make sense to have a single top module. - Better structure it like stdlib. - .agda files under src subdirectory, Everything.agda outside of the src. ** Andreas Abel, Ulf Norell, Makoto Takeyama - Serialise.hs optimization sprint: 25% faster in total on (project organized like) the standard library. (40% of Serialise time gone.) ** Jesper Cockx - Making tactics work nicer - quoteContext - typedTac - arguments under contexts #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE -- phantom TypedTerm : ... → Set TypedTerm ctx goal = Term typedTac ... → TypedTerm ctx ty → Term typedTac ctx goal x = x test m n = tactic typedTac ? ^ this instantiating ctx and goal -- (tactic typedTac) ? is different and useless #+END_EXAMPLE ** Ulf Norell - Unquoting mutal defs with JCo - unquoteDef implemented. Used by Nicolas. - Resurrecting the sharing data strucure for Term. - Working. Agda now has Call By Need evaluation. - Serialization faster, type checking slightly slower. - Not getting that much sharing. - Start to understanding why Agda is taking that much memory. - Lambda lifting of meta vars destroys sharing. - Looking at making some shortcuts for certain patterns of meta var uses, e.g. applying id subst. - Soon to be pushed. - (Suspension calculus need to be checked out?) ** MT - Manual instruction for installing Agda on Windows updated. - Hackage Agda-2.4.2 has severe problem on Windows. - Need that turns off cpphs on Windows by default. ** Guillaume Brunerie - Solved performance problem in recursive instance search. - Getting a bit more of unsolved metas
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