- Download . . . by Andreas:
- AIMXXXX . . . by Ambrus Kaposi: registered participant
- HomePage . . . by Ambrus Kaposi: AIMXL
- PapersUsingAgda . . . by Wen Kokke: Add MFPS 2024
- AgdaMeetings . . . by ?:
- History . . . by ?:
- AIMXXXIX . . . by ?:
- AIMXXXVIII . . . by Jonathan Coates:
- AIMXXXVII . . . by L-T Chen:
- Windows . . . by Andreas Abel: Delete NotOneClick Windows Installer, pointing to agda.google (broken)
- AIMXXXVI . . . by ?:
- AIM . . . by ?:
- AIMOrganizerGuide . . . by ?:
- AIMXXXI . . . by Orestis Melkonian: Add Google Drive links to slides.
- Hackingpreparation . . . by anuyts:
- Howto . . . by ?:
- Documentation . . . by ?:
- Courses . . . by ?:
- GettingStarted . . . by ?:
- Libraries . . . by ?:
- Othertutorials . . . by ?:
- AIMXXXV . . . by Orestis Melkonian:
- Community . . . September 28, 2021, at 01:24 AM by Jacques Carette:
- AIMXXXIV . . . June 11, 2021, at 05:55 PM by ?:
- AIMXXXIV-wrapup . . . June 11, 2021, at 03:43 PM by ?:
- AIMXXXIII . . . May 26, 2021, at 12:13 PM by ?:
- AIMXXXII . . . October 24, 2020, at 09:38 AM by ?:
- AIMXXXIII-wrapup . . . October 23, 2020, at 01:43 PM by ?:
- TypesSummerSchool2007 . . . October 29, 2019, at 09:31 AM by gallais: removed spam
- AIMXXX . . . September 18, 2019, at 08:59 AM by Chuangjie Xu: tidy up the list of participants
- AIMXXIX . . . March 19, 2019, at 07:50 AM by Youyou: wrap-up meeting (Day 7)
- AIMXXVIII . . . November 11, 2018, at 01:45 PM by Nicolai:
- AIMXXV . . . October 06, 2018, at 09:54 PM by Jonathan Prieto Cubides: fixed typo
- MacOSX . . . July 15, 2018, at 11:56 PM by Joomy Korkut: fix typo: adga -> agda
- AIMXXVII . . . June 08, 2018, at 07:38 AM by ?:
- Sockets . . . February 05, 2018, at 10:04 PM by ?:
- AIMXXVI . . . February 05, 2018, at 01:02 PM by Andreas Abel:
- HowToGenerateWebPagesFromSourceCode . . . January 21, 2018, at 03:52 PM by ASR: Moved to Read the Docs
- Auto . . . January 21, 2018, at 03:30 PM by ASR: Moved to Read the Docs
- QuickGuideToEditingTypeCheckingAndCompilingAgdaCode . . . January 20, 2018, at 06:20 PM by ASR: Moved to Read the Docs
- NotationForKeyTyping . . . January 20, 2018, at 03:16 PM by ASR: Moved to Read the Docs
- FreeBSD . . . December 27, 2017, at 03:05 PM by ASR: Moved installation instrucctions to Read the Docs
- Linux . . . December 27, 2017, at 03:04 PM by ASR: Moved installation instrucctions to Read the Docs
- Abbreviation . . . November 29, 2017, at 03:48 PM by ?:
- WindowsNotes-2-4-2 . . . September 23, 2017, at 07:30 AM by ?:
- Agda Implementors' Meeting XXV . . . May 02, 2017, at 07:41 PM by Víctor López Juan:
- Libraries and other developments . . . April 29, 2017, at 12:13 AM by ?:
- Papers Using Agda . . . April 18, 2017, at 09:38 AM by gallais: new paper
- Auto . . . April 14, 2017, at 03:38 PM by ASR: Moved to the user manual
- Documentation . . . April 11, 2017, at 01:07 PM by ?:
- Agda . . . March 20, 2017, at 04:39 PM by Víctor López Juan: Times for AIM XXV
- Agda Meetings . . . March 08, 2017, at 02:24 PM by ?:
- Feature Requests . . . February 27, 2017, at 08:54 PM by gallais: update link to bug tracker
- Download . . . December 22, 2016, at 01:19 PM by ASR: Agda 2.5.2 release
- Agda Implementors' Meeting XXIV . . . November 14, 2016, at 02:19 PM by ?:
- AIMXXIV . . . September 14, 2016, at 12:07 PM by ?:
- Agda Vs Coq-Talk . . . September 14, 2016, at 11:37 AM by gallais: fix link
- Installation of Agda from Source for Non-Programmers . . . July 27, 2016, at 05:17 PM by Andreas:
- X Compose . . . July 14, 2016, at 12:29 PM by akr: Cosmetic edits
- Release Notes . . . June 21, 2016, at 03:08 PM by ASR: Release notes are available from Hackage
- Publications . . . June 14, 2016, at 03:58 PM by gallais: Direct link to PapersUsingAgda
- Courses using Agda . . . May 14, 2016, at 04:19 PM by ?:
- Agda Implementors' Meeting XXIII . . . May 02, 2016, at 11:12 PM by ?:
- Feature Requests-Talk . . . April 25, 2016, at 10:05 AM by Robin: Ctrl-C Ctrl-C introduces pattern-matching lambda
- Quick guide to editing, type checking and compiling Agda code . . . April 21, 2016, at 06:44 PM by ?:
- Directories . . . January 17, 2016, at 06:40 PM by ?:
- File Contents . . . January 17, 2016, at 06:36 PM by ?:
- File Access . . . January 17, 2016, at 06:31 PM by ?:
- Pattern Matching . . . January 17, 2016, at 06:26 PM by ?:
- Hashes . . . January 17, 2016, at 06:20 PM by ?:
- Arrays . . . January 17, 2016, at 06:16 PM by ?:
- Dates and Times . . . January 17, 2016, at 06:11 PM by ?:
- Numbers . . . January 17, 2016, at 06:06 PM by ?:
- Agda Cookbook . . . January 17, 2016, at 06:00 PM by ?:
- Strings . . . January 17, 2016, at 05:57 PM by ?:
- Prebuilt packages for Linux . . . December 17, 2015, at 04:17 PM by ?:
- Tutorials . . . December 14, 2015, at 06:35 PM by Mark Farrell: Add OPLSS 2013 Link
- Agda Implementors' Meeting XXII . . . September 29, 2015, at 07:59 AM by Wolfram Kahl: Changed title of my talk to conform with slides
- New FFI . . . September 07, 2015, at 09:13 PM by ?:
- History . . . August 23, 2015, at 01:21 PM by ?:
- Using Abbreviation Mode in Agda . . . June 20, 2015, at 04:58 PM by Clément: No need to use a lambda here
- Agda Implementors' Meeting XXI . . . June 15, 2015, at 08:52 AM by Ulf: Link to my talk
- AIMXXI Wrap Up Meetings . . . June 09, 2015, at 01:27 PM by ?:
- MacOSX . . . June 08, 2015, at 12:29 PM by Andreas:
- AIMXXI-Talk . . . May 28, 2015, at 01:08 PM by Tom: request
- Version-2-4-0 . . . May 25, 2015, at 11:42 PM by ASR: Using Hackage link for Agda 2.4.0
- Release Candidates . . . May 19, 2015, at 03:28 PM by ASR: I couldn't load the .tar.gz file
- Agda Release Candidates . . . May 19, 2015, at 03:01 PM by ASR:
- AIMXX . . . May 01, 2015, at 11:38 AM by Tarmo Uustalu:
- Literate Agda . . . February 03, 2015, at 03:03 PM by gallais: known issue
- Windows . . . January 14, 2015, at 11:08 PM by Aaron Stump: added link to Windows MSI
- Community . . . January 12, 2015, at 07:13 PM by ASR:
- AIMXX Wrap Up . . . October 22, 2014, at 12:13 PM by ?:
- Windows Notes-2-4-2 . . . October 22, 2014, at 08:44 AM by ?:
- AIMXX Planning . . . October 20, 2014, at 11:06 AM by ?:
- Intuitionistic Ramsey Theorem . . . October 05, 2014, at 08:03 PM by Sergei Romanenko: A correction for a typo.
- README-2-4-0 . . . June 05, 2014, at 12:31 PM by ?: 2.4.0 readme
- AIMXIX . . . May 28, 2014, at 07:49 PM by Andreas Abel:
- Windows Notes-2-3-2 . . . November 25, 2013, at 10:38 PM by ?:
- VIM Editing . . . November 16, 2013, at 09:29 PM by ?:
- Performance Tips . . . November 06, 2013, at 02:43 PM by Bas Dirks: missing letter
- Courses Using Agda . . . November 02, 2013, at 08:31 PM by Andreas Abel:
- README-2-3-2-2 . . . October 30, 2013, at 05:41 PM by NAD: Released Agda
- Version-2-3-2-2 . . . October 30, 2013, at 05:39 PM by NAD: Released Agda
- Marco Buiatti . . . September 27, 2013, at 08:20 PM by NAD: Rollback.
- PmWiki . . . September 27, 2013, at 08:19 PM by NAD: Rollback.
- Agda Implementors' Meeting XVIII . . . September 23, 2013, at 05:12 PM by danr: link to Thierry's talk
- README-2-3-2-1 . . . June 11, 2013, at 04:55 PM by Andrés Sicard-Ramírez: Fixed README-2-3-2-1
- Version-2-3-2 . . . June 11, 2013, at 12:59 PM by ?: more "--" correctly formatted
- README-2-3-2 . . . June 11, 2013, at 12:11 AM by Andrés Sicard-Ramírez: Added README-2-3-2
- Version-2-3-2-1 . . . June 10, 2013, at 06:59 PM by Andrés Sicard-Ramírez: Release notes for Agda
- Record of AIMXVII . . . June 07, 2013, at 03:54 AM by ?:
- AIMXVII . . . June 06, 2013, at 07:15 AM by ?:
- AIMXVI . . . March 11, 2013, at 10:44 AM by Péter Diviánszky: https --> http
- Code Sprints . . . January 29, 2013, at 08:59 AM by ?:
- AIMXVI Code Sprint . . . October 12, 2012, at 11:17 PM by Peter Divianszky: bug 639 is not fixed yet
- AIMXV . . . February 25, 2012, at 10:00 AM by ?:
- Getting Started . . . February 20, 2012, at 06:33 PM by ?:
- VIM Editing-Talk . . . January 18, 2012, at 01:28 PM by erus:
- README-2-3-0 . . . November 23, 2011, at 10:22 AM by Ulf:
- Version-2-3-0 . . . November 23, 2011, at 10:21 AM by Ulf:
- Php . . . October 14, 2011, at 04:24 PM by ?:
- Wiki Sandbox . . . October 14, 2011, at 04:18 PM by ?:
- Standardlibrary . . . July 01, 2011, at 05:09 PM by NAD: Merged this page with Libraries.StandardLibrary.
- Epic . . . April 27, 2011, at 04:15 PM by NAD: Fixed some formatting errors.
- Agda Implementors' Meeting XIII . . . March 15, 2011, at 03:27 PM by NAD: Added link to program.
- README-2-2-10 . . . February 20, 2011, at 07:23 PM by NAD: Released Agda 2.2.10.
- Version-2-2-10 . . . February 20, 2011, at 07:23 PM by NAD: Released Agda 2.2.10.
- Version-2-2-8 . . . September 28, 2010, at 10:00 AM by Ana:
- README-2-2-8 . . . September 28, 2010, at 12:10 AM by NAD: Released Agda 2.2.8.
- Agda Implementors' Meeting XII . . . September 01, 2010, at 03:23 PM by ?:
- Informal Argument in Agda . . . March 31, 2010, at 03:59 PM by ?:
- AIMXIUPDATES . . . March 30, 2010, at 09:12 AM by ?:
- Agda Vs Coq . . . March 29, 2010, at 12:08 AM by Hairy Dude: posessive its has no apostrophe
- FreeBSD . . . January 08, 2010, at 07:24 PM by NAD: Listed FreeBSD packages.
- Prebuilt packages for Linux/*BSD . . . January 08, 2010, at 07:22 PM by NAD: Listed FreeBSD packages.
- Universe Polymorphism . . . December 27, 2009, at 05:10 PM by NAD: Replied to a comment.
- Version-2-2-6 . . . December 23, 2009, at 05:38 PM by NAD: Release notes for Agda 2.2.6.
- README-2-2-6 . . . December 23, 2009, at 05:08 PM by NAD: README for Agda 2.2.6.
- The 10th Agda Implementors' Meeting . . . November 28, 2009, at 10:13 PM by Wolfram Kahl: typo fixed: separte -> separate
- README-2-2-4 . . . October 27, 2009, at 02:14 PM by NAD: README for 2.2.4.
- Other Tutorials . . . September 17, 2009, at 02:39 PM by ?:
- AIMX . . . August 31, 2009, at 11:50 AM by Ulf Norell:
- Release notes for Agda 2 version 2.2.4 . . . July 07, 2009, at 10:38 PM by NAD: Released Agda 2.2.4.
- Quick Guide to Editing Type Checking and Compiling Agda Code-Talk . . . June 18, 2009, at 12:37 PM by NAD: Fixed a broken link.
- Contributions . . . June 12, 2009, at 04:53 PM by NAD: Merged the Libraries and Contributions pages.
- Implementing Some Functions and Theorems in the Book Types and Programming Languages by Benjamin Pierce . . . June 12, 2009, at 04:46 PM by David Norberg:
- Installation of Agda from Source for Non-Programmers (Old Version 0) . . . June 09, 2009, at 07:54 PM by ?:
- Installation of Agda from Source for Non-Programmers . . . June 09, 2009, at 07:53 PM by ?:
- AFP Summer School 2008 . . . April 21, 2009, at 01:04 PM by ?:
- Release notes for Agda 2 version 2.2.2 . . . April 16, 2009, at 11:29 PM by NAD: Released Agda 2.2.2.
- Release notes for Agda 2 version 2.2.0 . . . April 16, 2009, at 10:46 PM by NAD:
- Updating Agda after having installed it from Source . . . March 16, 2009, at 05:04 AM by ?:
- Installation of Agda from Source for Non-Programmers - QuickCheck . . . February 15, 2009, at 11:40 AM by ?: typo and pb with typewriter interpreting --
- Libraries . . . December 17, 2008, at 02:36 PM by NAD: Added a parser combinator library.
- How to Generate Web Pages from Source Code . . . December 10, 2008, at 05:49 PM by NAD: Documented agda --html.
- How to Insert Agda Code in La Te X Documents . . . December 08, 2008, at 07:21 PM by NAD: Wrote about literate Agda.
- Inductive Families . . . December 08, 2008, at 06:20 PM by Peter Berry: merge lines in list
- Prebuilt packages for Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) . . . December 03, 2008, at 05:30 PM by NAD: Changed title.
- Linux . . . December 03, 2008, at 05:28 PM by NAD: Added a page with instructions for how to install the prebuilt Linux packages.
- AIM 9 Code Sprint . . . December 03, 2008, at 02:09 PM by ?:
- Song . . . December 02, 2008, at 12:52 PM by ?:
- Installation of Agda from Source for Non-Programmers - Darcs . . . December 02, 2008, at 10:38 AM by ?:
- Notation for key combinations . . . December 02, 2008, at 09:24 AM by NAD: Improved text, added space bar.
- Installation of Agda from Source for Nonprogrammers . . . December 02, 2008, at 07:45 AM by ?:
- Installation of Agda from Source for Non-Programmers - Zlib . . . December 02, 2008, at 07:21 AM by ?:
- Installation of Agda from Source for Non-Programmers - Alex . . . December 02, 2008, at 07:17 AM by ?:
- Installation of Agda from Source for Non-Programmers - Binary . . . December 02, 2008, at 07:17 AM by ?:
- Installation of Agda from Source for Non-Programmers - Happy . . . December 02, 2008, at 07:12 AM by ?:
- Installation of Agda from Source Alex . . . December 02, 2008, at 07:07 AM by ?:
- Installation of Agda from Source Ghc . . . December 02, 2008, at 06:57 AM by ?:
- Quick Guide to the System . . . December 02, 2008, at 03:25 AM by ?:
- Othertutorials . . . December 01, 2008, at 05:11 AM by ?:
- Notation for Key Typing . . . December 01, 2008, at 03:21 AM by ?:
- Agda Intensive Meetings . . . November 28, 2008, at 08:01 AM by ?:
- Main . . . November 28, 2008, at 07:21 AM by ?:
- Slides Presented At AIM 9 . . . November 27, 2008, at 10:18 AM by ?:
- Waseda . . . November 11, 2008, at 03:09 PM by ?:
- Discussion . . . July 09, 2008, at 04:18 PM by NAD: Reorganised the page.
- Home Page-Talk . . . June 04, 2008, at 04:50 PM by Ulf Norell:
- Documentation-Talk . . . June 04, 2008, at 04:15 PM by Ulf Norell:
- The 8th Agda Implementors' Meeting . . . June 04, 2008, at 01:29 PM by Bengt:
- Working Page for Records . . . June 03, 2008, at 09:55 AM by ?:
- Mailing List . . . May 20, 2008, at 07:39 PM by NAD: Noted that Gmane carries the Agda list.
- AIM 9 . . . May 07, 2008, at 10:16 AM by Patrik Jansson:
- How to See Unicode . . . April 16, 2008, at 02:00 PM by ?:
- How to ... . . . April 16, 2008, at 02:00 PM by ?:
- How to See Unicode . . . April 16, 2008, at 01:58 PM by ?:
- How to Install Unicode . . . April 16, 2008, at 01:29 PM by ?:
- How to Send a Patch to Agda . . . April 16, 2008, at 01:26 PM by ?:
- Makoto Test . . . March 07, 2008, at 01:46 PM by ?:
- Agda Papers . . . February 06, 2008, at 09:50 AM by Patrik Jansson:
- Version Policy . . . November 12, 2007, at 12:13 PM by Ulf Norell: distinction between even and odd patch levels
- Types Summer School 2007 . . . October 17, 2007, at 03:46 PM by Ulf Norell: removed spam
- AIM 6 Ending Discussion . . . October 16, 2007, at 02:34 PM by Ulf Norell: removed spam
- The 6th Agda Implementors' Meeting . . . October 16, 2007, at 02:33 PM by Ulf Norell: removed spam
- Module System More Flexible . . . October 05, 2007, at 05:08 PM by NAD: Described feature request.
- Implicit Syntax . . . October 03, 2007, at 04:52 PM by Ulf Norell: fixed garbled greek letters
- Agda Language Review . . . September 25, 2007, at 02:55 PM by Ulf Norell:
- K-rule . . . September 20, 2007, at 11:48 AM by Ulf Norell: added link to complete stack example
- AgdaLanguageReview . . . September 20, 2007, at 12:56 AM by NAD: Described the basic issues about abstraction.
- VisibilityAndEvaluation . . . September 20, 2007, at 12:56 AM by NAD: Described the basic issues about abstraction.
- ImplicitSyntax . . . September 19, 2007, at 06:36 PM by NAD: Sym is, perhaps, more illustrative than Refl.
- Discussion . . . September 11, 2007, at 12:14 PM by NAD: Moved Wouter's wishes to the discussion page.
- MoreDeclarationsShouldBeAllowedInMutualBlocks . . . August 20, 2007, at 01:24 PM by NAD: Described feature request.
- Version-2-1-2 . . . August 16, 2007, at 04:56 PM by NAD: Release notes.
- Version-2-1-0 . . . July 14, 2007, at 01:21 AM by Ulf Norell:
- PrintReconstructedTerms . . . June 06, 2007, at 06:54 PM by Ulf Norell:
- Injectivity . . . June 04, 2007, at 05:13 PM by Ulf Norell:
- Version-2-0-0 . . . June 04, 2007, at 04:31 PM by Ulf Norell:
- VersionPolicy . . . June 04, 2007, at 04:30 PM by Ulf Norell:
- AIM6EndingDiscussion . . . May 30, 2007, at 06:28 PM by Patrik Jansson:
- AIM6 . . . May 30, 2007, at 06:17 PM by Patrik Jansson:
- Home . . . May 26, 2007, at 11:20 PM by ?:
- PmWiki . . . May 26, 2007, at 11:17 PM by ?:
Page last modified on March 23, 2025, at 06:26 pm
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