Obtain binary from http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/binary-0.4.1
(Currently binary 0.4.2 doesn't work for Agda)
Download the source distribution, do tar xvfz
Then follow the cabal instructions (http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/How_to_install_a_Cabal_package), i.e.
runghc Setup.lhs configure runghc Setup.lhs build runghc Setup.lhs install
Problems when building it
- At one point a problem was fixed by installing the glibc and glibc-devel packages from the Linux distribution (here Suse).
Back to installation of Agda from source for non-programmers.
Page last modified on December 02, 2008, at 06:17 am
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