
Title: Start-evaluation

Background: course evaluation for improved learning in large student groups (>100 students) with diverse background

Problem: When a large group of students with varying educational background come together in a shared course the students' varying views on learning can cause problems.

Solution(?): I have good experience from using a "Start-evaluation" handed out on the first lecture, where all students

  • answer a few questions about their subject background (programming language of choice, experience of earlier courses, etc.), and
  • describe their "learning style" by ranking different learning methods.

The information gathered gave me as a teacher a good overview of the students' backgrounds but the aim was also to affect the students views of what learning is (make them take responsibility for their own learning process). From the twelve listed "learning methods", eight were about the students own learning and only four included situations involving active teachers.

Name: Patrik Jansson

Ref: Attach:kursutv.pdf

Results from a course on Databases in 2001:

Relative importanceDescription
4.75Own work in the lab group
3.81Attend lectures
3.81Read lecture notes / slides off-line
3.00Other exam-preparation
2.50Own work with excercises
2.42Ta part in exercise sessions
2.04Getting help in the lab
1.87Writing the summary sheet before the exam
1.70Discussions with other students
1.32Reading the course book
0.76Other discussions with teachers/supervisors
0.46Question/answer sessions