
From domination to affirmation techniques

(Information page for the CSE department workshops during 2018.)

As part of the activity plan for improving the work environment we have decided to arrange a series of workshops about "domination techniques" and how to combat them. These workshops are compulsory for all employees, to make sure that we all share a common ground.


All 10 workshops done (only 13 employees not accounted for)
First five workshops done: 76+52 participants.
First three workshops done: 76 participants (28% of the employees).
All (~270) employees invited.

From domination to affirmation

Chalmers has developed a working material to develop the working environment and counteract domination techniques. The intention is to raise awareness of often unconscious behaviors and to create conditions for recognizing domination techniques, breaking these patterns, and instead developing a working environment that is confirming to enable increased openness, confidence, joy and creativity in our workplace. We need to do this together because we are each other's work environment.

The workshop contains short movie scenes and discussion questions. The basis for the scenes is derived from situations that employees at Chalmers have experienced and there are also employees who act as actors. The scenes cover a wide range of university activities.

Från härskartekniker till bekräftartekniker

Chalmers har tagit fram ett arbetsmaterial för att utveckla arbetsmiljön och motverka härskartekniker. Avsikten är att öka medvetenheten om omedvetna beteenden och att skapa förutsättningar för att känna igen härskartekniker, bryta med dessa mönster och istället utveckla en arbetsmiljö som är bekräftande för att möjliggöra ökad öppenhet, tillit, glädje och kreativitet på vår arbetsplats. Vi behöver göra detta tillsammans eftersom vi är varandras arbetsmiljö.

Workshopen innehåller korta filmscener och diskussionsfrågor. Underlag till scenerna är hämtade från situationer som medarbetare på Chalmers har upplevt och det är också medarbetare som medverkar som skådespelare. Scenerna täcker en bredd av högskolans olika verksamheter.


We have nine workshops with max 30 participants per workshop. Registration was via a doodle link sent to all CSE-employees. Changes now: send to line manager + CC: patrikj@chalmers.se

Terminology and links:

Earlier Chalmers activities:

Questions and answers

  • Q: Should we register for just one workshop?
  • A: Yes, all workshops cover the same material, we just need so many instances to make everybody "fit" without overcrowding each workshop.
  • Q: Is this the same as the CARE course?
  • A: No, the CARE project is a separate activity which is elective. But both are part the work environment improvement activities at the CSE department.
  • Q: Are the films we will see the same we saw a few years ago or are they new ones?
  • A: I guess so, but I'm not sure.
  • Q: No workshop at Lindholmen?
  • A: We have discussed that (Patrik, Agneta and the workshop org.) and we decided that it was more important to get a good mix of participants. With two (say) workshops at Lindholmen there was otherwise the risk of (mainly) IxD and SE meeting there, when we really wanted to make employees meet across the division border throughout CSE. The workshop covers half a day (before or after lunch) which should make the commute a bit more practical.