Gender mainstreaming = Jämtegrering
Work page for the gender mainstreaming project at the CSE department.
- Chalmers central information about "Jämställdhetsombud".
- GU central information about "Likabehandling" which includes gender equality (and more)
Jämställdhetsintegrering (2017-2019)
Workshop 1: CSE department steering group + more: employee focus
2017-04-18: 9-12
Room: Chalmersska huset, Södra hamngatan 11, Göteborg
Main goals:
- Identify prioritised areas to work on in the first phase
- Including who does what, when
- Inform about gender mainstreaming = Jämställdhetsintegration
Invited participants:
- ILG = the departmental steering group
- one more representative per division
Links to related material:
- 30m Introduction
- Presentation round
- What is gender mainstreaming
- Tasks for today
- 1h Group work
- Read and discuss the statistical material
- brain-storm and prioritise actions
- coffee break
- 1h Report on group work
- 10m Conclusion and allocation of next actions
Potentially relevant processes, areas etc.
- CSE-organisation
- GRU-organisation
- Recruitment (Rekrytering av personal)
- Promotion (Befordran)
- Salary setting (Lönesättning)
- Grants (Anslag)
- Course allocation (Kursallokering)
- Management tasks (Ledningsuppdrag)
- Student recruitment (Studentrekrytering)
- Student culture (Studentkultur)
Workshop 2: Education and student focus
Date: 2017-04-27 from 9-12
Room: ML4 (Note! The room is in the M building.)
Main goals:
- Identify prioritised areas to work on in the first phase
- Inform about gender mainstreaming = Jämställdhetsintegration
Invited participants:
- Student representatives (~ one each from d, D, IT, DV, SE(M))
- Chalmers student union
- Göta studentkår: itsek@gota.gu.se
- PA@D, PA@IT, PA@DV, PA@d, PA@SEM, UOA@EDIT, and corresponding DoS and study councellors.
- VPref.Gru + 3*SR
- 30m Introduction
- Presentation round
- What is gender mainstreaming
- Tasks for today
- 1h Group work
- Read and discuss the statistical material
- brain-storm and prioritise actions
- coffee break
- 1h Report on group work
- 10m Conclusion and allocation of next actions
Potentially relevant processes, areas etc.
- Student recruitment (Studentrekrytering)
- Student culture (Studentkultur)
- Course development and evaluation (kursutveckling och utvärdering)
- Teaching assistants (Assistenter)
- Comissions of trust, student union, etc. (Förtroendeuppdrag, kår, sektion, föreningar)
- Course material and examples (kursmaterial)
- Course plans, learnings outcomes (kursplaner och lärmål)
Raw notes: