
This mail is sent to

  • Ida: as GU "admin" responsible
  • Catharina: as informatör at D&IT
  • Katarina: as admin chef
  • Patrik: as vpref

The subject of web pages for education has been on the table in different opportunities. The more we look at them the more evident becomes that we need to work on them as soon as possible! Who will do what is unclear to me but I hope Katarina can help there.

Before we can actually work on them we should do some kind of survey as Patrik has before asked. It seems to me the Catharina and Ida would be "perfect" for the survey, if it weren't by the fact that one works here (at D&IT) very little and the other too much!

When it comes to grundutb. pages we have several pages, some of them we can influence more, others very little. It is unclear in many cases who maintain/create the pages and where the information was taken from. It will be nice if someone find this out, again, I believe Ida and Catharina are the most natural people for this.

Let us see a bit what we have.

  • Centrally at Chalmers we have the SP (Studieportal): this is updated

by many people (mainly teachers + studierektors + programsekreterare). At chalmers this is basically THE basis of info and we all need to work so it has the correct info to avoid misunderstandings. Outside the period Nov-Feb where the SP is open for changes, it is very little what we can change here. In most cases the info is correct, except maybe for examiners which sometimes we need to change.

  • At ITU we seems to also have info about our courses and programs.

When it comes to courses there is a list for basic/advances courses. Who is responsible for these pages? Where he/she takes the info from? Are all courses listed? Which is the criteria to order the courses. Seems rather random... Is the info there correct? The Prog.Lang. is only listed as "VT09" instead of "VT 08 and 09" as other courses given in LP3. Not a mayor problem since LP3 has already passed ... Focal project is listed in the VT though it could be taken at any moment (at CTH SP it says LP4 in 07/08 and Ej Lp in 08/09) Soft.Eng, using FM is marked VT08 and HT08 although the VT08 version was cancelled long ago.

Courses seem to link to some GU pages which I guess it implies that plain CTH courses are not listed (not many but some, OOP for D line, Prog,tek. for F, most courses at Lindholmen).

  • AT GU, there seems to be pages for courses under

http://www.utbildning.gu.se/utbildning/varautbildningar/kurser/ Unfortunately it seems that all pages for the courses seem to have Tina as studievägledare. Most course seems to have 2 anm.kod under the same period of time for 08/09. Why? I expect the list of courses under basic/advance level are the same as those for ITU. The order could also be the same. Who is responsible for these pages?

If one goes to programs Datavetenskapligt one get more info at http://www.ituniv.gu.se/ but this pages doesn't exist!

  • At GU one also has the Kursportalen

http://kursportal.student.gu.se/util/startup/index.php?redirect=true One can choose to see courses by subject or by program.

Some changes seem to have been done since my mail to ida & Wolfgang about the "program" path (for example courses with old codes are not there anymore) but more changes need to be done (for example Reiner is still listed as responsible for the Ai course).

If one chooses the subject path one gets a list of courses divided in subareas. Who does this division? There is a set of courses with no area, the first one Soft.constrains though it should be under Soft. Eng. Many courses have a "mail to the resposible" option which certainly will contribute to spam for those people.

THe info here is not really correct in many cases. One would need to look at this better and see what is just a bit wrong and what is too wrong (if anything).

Who is responsible for all these pages?

Do we need to have a second "set of courses and programs" at the GU web site?

  • AT CSE grundutb + master pages we have different info depending on

whether we are looking at the Swedish pages or English ones.

English: Und. -> some generalinfo + tenta schema for LP4 (btw with (only?) Swedish text n the titles)

Master -> this is the page I wrote about earlier to Cae. I think the struct, for the page is not good. It should be redone so all 7 master have an equal presence here. More detailed comments can be found in the previous mail.

Swedish: Und-> I has 8 "sub pages" under it, many of them which are simply tables that can be very easily transformed in 2 languages so they can be linked from both Engl & Swe pages (ex. schema) Others have vey little text and it cannot be difficult to get an Engl. version of it. (ex. studieexpt). Some are maybe not needed in Engl (ex Kandidat?) Some are in the process of being translated (ex exjobb)

Master -> not much comments here

  • Besides all these pages and sites, we have pld pages which are still


For example googling by

  • IESD chalmers gives

http://www.chalmers.se/cse/EN/education/masters-programmes/iesd as first link though this page seems to be old

  • datavetenskapligt gu gives

http://www.cs.chalmers.se/Cs/Grundutb/dv-progr.html as third link

These are all pages in our servers we need to stop making available!

Well, as you can see, a bit of a mess. I really think we need to do understand a bit better who puts what out in the net and see how we can do to reuse/update the info and which info is missing so we can put it.

It seems some things will change when we start using pingpong both at GU and CTH so it will be good to know which of the old pages despair, which new ones appear, and who will be responsible for what. So maybe this kind of investigation we (I?) are asking comes at the right moment so we know what we want and what is missing once the new platform is in place.