Internal page for ST + CS division MSc thesis course
During 2014 there have been some discussions regarding the hours we should get to supervise our different kind of exjobbs (bachelor, HIng, master). As a result of those discussion there will be an adjustment with respect to the figures we will use when planing for supervision and examination of exjobbs from 2015. All figures below are 'effective' hours, that is to say, no OH accounted but the actual hours one is expect to spend on the task (on average).
15hp HIng exjobbs
- In 2015, LaSv@CE and ChCa@ST are the examiners of the course.
- Supervisors get 25 hours per group = 1.65% of full time
- Please contact examiners for a description of the expected tasks of a supervisor.
15hp Kandidatsarbete
- In 2015, ArLi@CE and JaSk@ST are the examiners of the course.
- Supervisors get 50 hours per group = 3.3% of full time.
- Please contact examiners for a description of the expected tasks of a supervisor.
30hp master thesis
- In 2015 all master thesis will have an examiner and an internal supervisor, even those theses which are done at the industry.
- Examiners will get 10 hours per thesis. The idea is to have a few researchers who will examine a handful theses each.
- Supervisor will get 30 hours per thesis = 2% of full time.
In the 10 h for the examiner we include:
- help the master coordinator when approving the proposal
- thesis work initialisation and planning report approval
- mid-project approval
- read of thesis
- final presentation approval
- check in urkund
2015: the examiners for CS-ALL@Chalmers (and CS@GU) are: Aarne, Bengt, Dave, Devdatt, Gerardo, Graham, Patrik.
In the 30 h for the supervisor we include:
- ca 30 min weekly meeting with the student (even for theses done at the industry!)
- read the thesis a 2-3 times
- take part in mid and final presentation
Let me know if your have any question regarding this issue. Best regards
-- Ana Bove, Docent Director of Undergraduate Studies