FP /
Some Recent Research in the "Generic Programming Group"
Patrik Jansson, fp.st.cse.chalmers.se
Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg
Our "Generic Programming" Toolbox
- Types (type systems, PTS)
- Functional programming (lambda calculi)
- Datatypes (based on Category Theory)
- Language processing (grammars, parsing, transforming, ...)
- Dependent types (inductive families, Martin-Löf type theory)
- Executable specifications (QuickCheck testing, Agda proving, FOL-tools)
- Domain Specific Languages (often embedded in Haskell)
Recent papers / projects
- Papers:
- ParaDep: Parametricity for Dependent Types, ICFP 2010
- PolyTest: Testing Polymorphic Properties, ESOP 2010
- Concepts: C++ Concepts = Haskell Type Classes, JFP 2010
- VulnModel: Monadic Dynamical Systems (a DSL for vulnerability modelling), DSL 2009
- AoPAgda: Algebra of Programming in Agda, JFP 2009
- Projects:
Who are we
Patrik Jansson, PhD 2000 "Polytypism", Assoc. Prof. 2004
- Former students
- Ulf Norell, PhD 2007 (now PostDoc & Quviq)
- Agda (dependent types)
- Nils Anders Danielsson, PhD 2007 (now PostDoc Nott.)
- "Functional Program Correctness Through Types".
- Ulf Norell, PhD 2007 (now PostDoc & Quviq)
- Current students
- Jean-Philippe Bernardy, PhD stud. 2007--
- Industry exp., Yi, Concepts, LazyParse, PolyTest, ParaDep
- Cláudio Amaral, PhD stud. 2010--
- Erl2Why: Dynamic lang. verification using the Why tool
- Jonas Duregård, PhD stud. 2010--
- Agata (Generate QC generators), BNFC + Quasiquoating
- Jean-Philippe Bernardy, PhD stud. 2007--
- International collaborators:
- Utrecht, Nottingham, Oxford, Potsdam, Indiana, Taiwan
Overlapping interests (my guess based on abstracts):
- Taha / Patrik+GSDP: Hybrid modelling, high-level modelling
- Inoue / Patrik+Jonas?: Reasoning about staged programs
- Brauner / Patrik+JPB?: Proof refactoring