The 20th Haskell anniversary
Intro: The hbc compiler was written by Lennart Augustsson, a researcher at the Department of Computer Science at Chalmers University whose programming productivity beggars belief. The hbc was the first compiler written for the Haskell programming language and it was released on the 21 of August 1990.
Body text: In the end of the 80’s Lennart Augustsson and Thomas Johansson were working on development of compilers for lazy functional languages. They called their functional language LML and invented many important techniques that have become standard today. The functional language work involved many other people at the Department of Computing Science at the time, Urban Boquist and Niklas Röjemo among others were PhD students who later on did their doctorates on the issue.
Some researchers were working on similar things at other universities and a committee for people interested in functional languages was founded. The committee included Lennart Augustsson, Thomas Johansson, and John Hughes for example (John Hughes was at Glasgow University, now at Chalmers University of Technology), and together they designed the Haskell language – the first complete compiler was Lennart’s hbc released in 1990.
The Haskell programming language is now celebrating its 20th anniversary. Haskell has been widely spread in recent years, both within academia and industry, though of course still not as common as Java and C++.
In “A History of Haskell: Being Lazy With Class” ( Augustsson writes:
2010: Lennart Augustsson is back in Gothenburg and Sweden, still working on Haskell, but he is now employed by Standard Chartered Bank in London, who is using Haskell for modeling of financial products. Lennart still has close connections to the department and the Functional Programming group is still a world-leader in Haskell-related research.
More on Lennart Augustsson: