Notes 2011
- HAS wiki (password protected)
- HAS wiki, Chalmers page (password protected)
Local experts at Chalmers
Personer och funktioner som hanterar administrativa internationella frågor inom grundutbildningen
- Innehåller en lista på existerande EMMP-program på Chalmers
- Ing-Britt Carlsson <ing-britt.carlsson at ...>
- International coordinator
- Electrical Engineering, Computer Science- and Software Engineering
- (Studentcentrum)
- "Administrative contact"
- Rekommenderad av Patrik
- Jonna Stugufors <stugufor at ...>
- Antagningshandläggare
- Enheten för antagning och examen
- Avdelningen för studieadministration
- Rekommenderad av Gustavo Perrusquia för frågor om antagningskrav
- Birgitta Carlsson <birgitta.carlsson at ...>
- Planering och uppföljning
- Rekommenderad av Lena Peterson ang. frågan om nationell och lokal kvalitetssäkring
- Lena Peterson <lenap at ...>
- UOL = Utbildningsområdesledare (för EDIT-I-området)
- Ansvarar för att godkänna nya MSc-program för D&IT
- Lillemor Simonson <lillemor.simonson at ...>
- Processledare | Senior Officer of Degree
- Enheten för antagning och examen | Unit for Admission and Degrees
- Avd för studieadministration | Office for administration of studies
- Expert på diploma supplement
- Gustavo Perrusquia <gustavo.perrusquia at ...>
- Director of Internationalization
- International Exchange Programmes
- Office of Planning
- Administration and Services
- Hjälper inte till med ansökan, men hjälper till efter att ansökan blivit beviljad
- Har god koll på existerande EM-MP på Chalmers
- Per Rudquist
- Rekommenderad av Gustavo Perrusquia för "coachning och goda råd"
- Mattias Königsson <mattias.konigsson at ...>
- Ekonom, Chalmers Stiftelse
Meeting notes
Both universities that a student has visited should be involved in supervising the thesis.
Students can give priorities for the second year, but it's we (the consortium) who decide where to place each student.
The program will have to implement the curriculum in the application more or less exactly. However, it's not the end of the world if one site fails to implement the core, since it doesn't have to be given at every site.
Core module should not be (too much overlapping with) an existing masters program.
The core module *must* be coherent across the universities.
Ind. project (15 ECTS) doesn't have to be given everywhere (though Chalmers can probably give it). Can be done at any time from the second semester.
Core courses can be spread out over the year.
If two sites have the same module, the courses should not overlap.
The warm-up should be at a single place. Probably Romania, because it's the cheapest place. It's very important to have a common gathering of all students, so it's not a good idea to have the warm-up at several places.
Chalmers should have a person keeping (daily?) contact with the employed administratives in Budapest.
Local language courses need to be offered (but not counted as part of the program).
Members of the advisory board (teaching staff, administrative staff, students, industrial partners); can be both internal and external; students elect student representative.
Only two students from each country can get a scholarship (but more paying students can be accepted).
General notes
(The rest of the file is in Markdown format.)
<u>Number and type of applicants:</u> [A.2.3]( in the 2010 application states: > There are 40 places for students in the programme, and maximum of 10 of them are reserved for students from third-countries. <u>Degree:</u> * [A.1.3]( in the 2010 application states: > Successful students receive a <b>double degree</b> of Master of Science in Computer Science, recognized by the partners, where the student started and finished his or her education. * [A.2.4]( in the 2010 application states that there will be a <b>joint diploma supplement</b>. The [program guide]( states: * **Page 26:** (simplified) - Category A scholarships are awarded to third-country students - Category B scholarships are awarded to European students * **Page 32:** - Category A scholarships amount to €4000 per semester for participation costs - Category B scholarships amount to €2000 per semester for participation costs * **Page 31:** - A lump sum of €30 000 will be given to the whole program (once for each edition) <u>Tuition fees:</u> * [Tuition fees at Chalmers]( - SEK 70.000 SEK/term * [Who is required to pay]( - Only third-country students (at least approximately) are required to pay at Chalmers Good [FAQ]( It turns out bilateral Erasmus agreements are not needed for the application. Chalmers will not even make any more agreements (see mail from Gustavo 2011-03-24) * [Existing bilateral agreements at Chalmers]( Gustavo 2011-04-04: > "Chalmers is not coordinating institution for any EMMP and it is our policy not to take that role. Chalmers is only participating institution in an EMMP consortium." Search for [existing FP7 projects]( Erasmus Mundus in general ========================= ⇒ [Home]( ⇒ [About]( ⇒ [Application guide]( ⇒ [Call for proposals]( Our application is about [Action 1]( (?) Erasmus Mundus is not (at all) the same as ERASMUS. I think the latter is only for European students. I think the former is partly a way for Europe to attract foreign skills. ERASMUS is an exchange program that does not lead to a degree. Erasmus Mundus is a mobility program that leads to a double degree. (See mail from Gustavo 2011-03-24.)