
Synthetic Populations - Electric Vehicles


Charging and Storage Infrastructure Design for Electric Vehicleshttp://people.cs.vt.edu/naren/papers/TIST13-EVs.pdfLooks for optimal placement of charging stations in Portland using a synthetic population. Using the activity patterns of the synthetic population places which owners of electrical vehicles visit a lot and spend a lot of time at are identified. The locations are clustered using a coordinated clustering algorithm and a cluster with these three properties is identified: High charging need, long stay duration, low existing electricity load.
Installing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations City-Scale: How Many and Where?http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-31858-5_8Also a Portland study, with a more economic viewpoint.
Unifying Dependent Clustering and Disparate Clustering for Non-homogeneous Datahttp://people.cs.vt.edu/naren/papers/rp733e-hossain.pdfCoordinated clustering in detail.
Generating a synthetic population of the United Stateshttp://staff.vbi.vt.edu/swarup/papers/US-pop-generation.pdfA description of how Virginia Tech generate their synthetic populations.
Generating Synthetic Populations for Social Modelinghttp://staff.vbi.vt.edu/swarup/synthetic_population_tutorial/AAMAS_2016_generating_synthetic_populations_for_social_modeling_full_tutorial.pdfAnother description of how Virginia Tech generate their synthetic populations.
A Two-stage, Fitted Values Approach to Activity Matchinghttp://www.sersc.org/journals/IJT/vol4_no1/3.pdfActivity assignment in detail.
Rashid A. Waraichhttp://www.ivt.ethz.ch/people/rwaraich/index_ENDid his PhD at ETH using MATSim for agent-based modeling of electric vehicles.
AGENT-BASED SIMULATION OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A FRAMEWORKhttp://e-collection.library.ethz.ch/eserv/eth:8387/eth-8387-02.pdfWaraich's PhD Thesis
A Model for Public Fast Charging Infrastructure Needshttp://publications.lib.chalmers.se/records/fulltext/238674/local_238674.pdfNiklas's and Frances's paper about the necessary amount of fast charging stations.
Who will buy electric vehicles? Identifying early adopters in Germanyhttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0965856414001463.