ST /


Working group to recruit AssocProf + Lecturers

  • Goal / timeline:
    • 2015-04-06: Deadline for applications: we received 30 AssocProf applications and 24 Lecturer applications from a total of 45 individuals.
    • 2015-04/05: Review by external experts
    • 2015-06-01: Short-listing meeting for the ST seniors + recruitment group (providing input to central AK)
    • 2016-06-02: Short-list decision by Chalmers central employment committee (AK)
    • 2015-06-18/30: Lectures + interviews + decision
    • 2015-08-15: Prel. new employees in place (+-3 months depending on candidate availability)

Pre-screening (done 2015-04-14)

Chalmers guidelines suggests pre-screening of applicants so that the external reviewers get a maximum of 15 applicants to evaluate. In our case we had 30 AssocProf applications and 24 Lecturer applications so a recruitment group subset (Mary, Andrei, Gerardo, Ana, Patrik) suggested, and AK decided on a selection of 15 + 13 applications to send to external reviewers.

Expert reviews (done 2015-05-31)

For the AssocProf ad two subject experts and one pedagogical expert were asked to evaluate and rank the pre-screened candidates.

For the Lecturer ad one subject expert and one pedagogical expert were asked to evaluate and rank the pre-screened candidates.

Short-listing (2015-06-02)

Based on the expert reviews and our own reading of the applications, the ST-division seniors + the recruitment group met 2015-06-01 at 13.15 to propose a short-list of candidates to interview for each position. Then the central AK decided (with MaSh, AnSa, AnBo, JoKa present, 2015-06-02 10.50-11:30 in Kugghjulet, AoS-huset, Chalmersplatsen 4, J-berg) and invited the short-listed candidates for the interview days.

Lectures + interviews (June 18 + 30)

We have scheduled the two interview days in the second half of June (2015-06-18 + 2015-06-30). Each short-listed applicant will be asked to give a trial lecture and there will be interviews. The lectures are open but the interviews are conducted by just the central AK + a few representatives from the department. For the interviews we need to have

  • prefekt or pro-prefekt
  • HR-specialist (Sofie)
  • Div.head + a few others from the division

The end result of these days is a ranking of the top candidates for each position. The final decisions for all the positions will be taken after the last interview day.

Interview day 1: Thursday 2015-06-18

AssocProf+Lecturer: CaFu (A), GiRu (A), MaMy (A+L), RoFe (A)

Present from CSE for the interviews: JoKa, SoJa, PaJa, KoCl, GeSc, WoAh, (LaKo)

  • Lecture topic: A lecture in a first year programming course (choice of exact topic free). But it should be an actual lecture and not a lecture about a lecture.
  • Target: First year students in computer science and engineering
  • Language: English

Lectures in EL41 from 09.00 to 11.30, then interviews. All lectures are 20 min + 10 min questions.

09.00 – 09.30Föreläsning MaMy
09.35 – 10.05Föreläsning RoFe
10.05 – 10.15Kaffepaus
10.15 – 10.45Föreläsning CaAlFu
10.50 – 11.20Föreläsning GiRu
11.25 – 12.10MaMyRoFe
12.10 – 13.10Lunch
13.10 – 13.55RoFeMaMy
14.00 – 14.45GiRuCaAlFu
14.45 – 14.55Kaffepaus
14.55 – 15.40CaAlFuGiRu

Interview day 2: Tuesday 2015-06-30

Lecturer+AssocProf: HeNi (A), DaHe (L), JPB (L), MoJo (A+L), NiBr (L)

Present from CSE for the interviews: JoKa, SoJa, PaJa, KoCl, GeSc, AnBo, (reserve: LaKo)

Short open lectures in EL41 from 09.00 to 12.00, interviews after lunch.

  • Lecture topic: A lecture in a first year programming course (choice of exact topic free). But it should be an actual lecture and not a lecture about a lecture.
  • Target: First year students in computer science and engineering
  • Language: English

(For the interviewing team the day starts at 08.30 in EL41.)

TidOpen lecture (20 min + 10 min questions)
09.00 – 09.30HeNi
09.35 – 10.05DaHe
10.15 – 10.45JPBe
10.50 – 11.20MoJo
11.25 – 11.55NiBr
13.00 – 13.45HeNiDaHe
13.55 – 14.40DaHeHeNi
14.50 – 15.35MoJoNiBr
15.45 – 16.30NiBrJPBe
16.35 – 17.20JPBeMoJo
17.20 – 18.45AK meeting

Offers and negotiation

Based on the ranking the candidates are offered the different positions. If an offer is turned down we continue with the next candidate on that list until we have filled the positions.

Historical timeline

  • 2014-10-14: First draft of requirements profile" presented at the ST division meeting
  • 2014-10-23: Input to "bemanningsplan": how many positions, when, and rough teaching/research percentages
  • 2014-11-10: Proposal of "requirements profile" ready to present to "kollegiet@CSE" and to the steering group
  • 2014-11-25: CSE-dept. done with the requirements profiles (start of translation to ad texts)
  • 2014-12-15(?): Final decision (by the HoD) to go ahead with the recruitment
  • 2015-01: KOMP-group at Chalmers decides about creating the open positions
  • 2015-02: Central emplyment committee decision about the ads
  • 2015-02: Advertising the positions

2014-11-24 at 15-16: Third meeting (in EDIT 3364 = "the EDIT room")

(2014-11-02: almost final drafts are now available in "Box" and the git repository.)

2014-10-13 at 13-14: Second meeting (in EDIT 8103)


  • discuss and improve the drafts (so please read them before the meeting)
  • pro-active recruitment: who does what?
  • are two positions enough?
  • Schedule a third meeting in November.

2014-09-09 at 10-11: First meeting (in EDIT 8103)


  • Short presentation round:
    • Ana Bove (@CS and DoS@CS-ST),
    • Andrei Sabelfeld (ProSec@ST and in the PRAG group),
    • Christer Carlsson (Teacher@ST),
    • Gerardo Schneider (FM@ST and DoS@CSE research school),
    • Jonna Amgard (Div. secretary@CS-ST)
    • Mary Sheeran (FP@ST and IT-faculty recruitment board),
    • Michel Chaudron (@SE and div. head@SE),
    • Patrik Jansson (Div. head@ST).
    • Sofie Jansson (@Human Resources, stand-in for Gunilla Dahlgren),
  • PaJa presents the background
    • "Generationsväxling" (retirements)
    • Junior Faculty
    • Teaching needs (long-term)
  • Discussion
    • Input from all group members (requirements, timing, opportunities, ...)
  • Appoint a (singleton?) subset of members to prepare a draft by next meeting
  • Next meeting:
    • Prel. proposal: 2014-09-30, or 2014-10-13?


2014-08: Mail (doodle) to book the meeting time

I ST-avdelningens bemanningsplan ingår preliminärt en utökning av kollegiet med två docenttjänster i början av 2016 (med annonsering av tjänsterna före sommaren 2015). Det här är första mötet för gruppen.

The prel. plan of the ST division is to announce two new Assoc.Prof. positions in 2015 with starting date early 2016. You have accepted to participate in a working group to draft a requirements profile, ad, etc. This is the first meeting.

2014-06: Mail from Patrik Jansson till Ana, Andrei, Christer, Gerardo, Gunilla, Michel, Mary, Jonna, Peter, Jan

I ST-avdelningens bemanningsplan ingår preliminärt en utökning av kollegiet med två docenttjänster i början av 2016 (med annonsering av tjänsterna före sommaren 2015). Jag vill be er medverka i en arbetsgrupp som tar fram kravprofil, annons, mm. för denna rekrytering.

Arbetet behöver påbörjas efter sommaren och kravprofilen behöver vara klar innan jul inklusive förankring i institutionskollegiet samt ledningsgruppen.

I nuläget (senast 3:e juli) behöver jag bara en bekräftelse ... [cut]