ST /


Short overview of the ST budget for 2015

The ST division is paying for ~48 "person-years" (PY) during 2015: around 11PY from education (GRU), 6PY from faculty funding (FAK), 30PY from projects (mainly external funding) and around 1PY from other sources.

With the "informal groups" from 2014-10 the work-load is 23% FM, 40% FP, 28% ProSec and 9% Teach.

Over the years the ST division has accumulated around 7M GRU and 2M FAK which we can (and should) use within a 5-year period. I expect quite a bit of this will be used in connection with the ongoing recruitments but suggestions are always welcome.

  Chalmers: GRU=4.30M, Fo=1.64M  Tot=5.94M
  GU:       GRU=2.77M, Fo=0.65M  Tot=3.42M
  Tot:      GRU=7.07M, Fo=2.29M  TOT=9.36M

PY = person-year = one person working full time during one year = FTE

Overview from 2014-10-25

The 2015 budget draft is almost settled in the "huge excel sheet" form and I have now summarised it to something more readable. The result is below, and (as in 2014) I've decided to focus on time instead of on money.

Note: A budget is just a "current best guess" about the future. The division budget is "frozen" 2014-10-25 and prepared for "release" as "the Budget" for ST in 2015. But as soon as "the Budget" has been released we will start working on the next version called Prognosis Tertial 0 (T0 for short), to be completed by december. T0 will include results from VR2014 and hopefully some other research grants and education development projects.

Full time positions

Table 1 [Time budget] in units of full time equivalents (FTEs). The ST division people have (for this presentation) been mapped to the headings FP, ProSec, FM and Teach. (There may be some errors in the assignments, but I believe the overall picture is fairly accurate.)

|          | Dep |  Edu | Fac |  Ext | Total |
| FP       | 0.3 |  3.3 | 2.3 | 11.9 |  17.9 |
| ProSec   | 0.3 |  2.3 | 1.2 |  8.3 |  12.1 |
| FM       | 0.5 |  2.0 | 1.8 |  4.8 |   9.0 |
| Teach    | 0.1 |  3.5 | 0.1 |  0.0 |   3.6 |
| New      | 0.0 |  0.4 | 0.2 |  0.8 |   1.3 |
| ST Total | 1.3 | 11.4 | 5.5 | 25.8 |  44.0 |

In the 2015 budget the ST division pays salary to 44 FTEs (spread over a few more individual employees). This about the same as in the 2014 budget (45) but FM has grown by two FTEs and ProSec has shrunk by about the same.

Around 26 FTEs (the majority) work on externally funded research projects, ~11 FTEs work with education, 5.5 with faculty research funding and 1.3 FTE is paid by sources outside the ST division (mainly management tasks).

In addition to the four "groups" (18 FP + 12 ProSec + 9 FM + 4 Teach including the new Lecturer position) I have introduced a row "New" for the new AssocProf position (only starting next autumn, thus on low percentage) and two speculated new PhD students (paid by "not-yet-granted" projects).

Distribution within each group

|          | Dep | Edu | Fac | Ext | Total |
| FP       |  2% | 19% | 13% | 67% |  100% |
| ProSec   |  3% | 19% | 10% | 69% |  100% |
| FM       |  6% | 22% | 20% | 53% |  100% |
| Teach    |  3% | 95% |  2% |  0% |  100% |
| New      |  0% | 28% | 13% | 60% |  100% |
| ST Total |  3% | 26% | 13% | 59% |  100% |

If we sum up the groups separately we see that research groups FP, ProSec and FM do 21-28% "institutionstjänstgöring" (education + leadership) on average and the Teach group is doing 98%.

The FM group is quickly catching up in external funding: from 35% in the budget for 2014 to 53% in this budget.

The 3% funded by "Dep" (leadership) looks small, but it is concentrated to the 12.7 senior faculty and in this group it is ~10% (every third has 30%).

Distribution within each funding category

|          |  Dep |  Edu |  Fac |  Ext | Total |
| FP       |  31% |  28% |  42% |  46% |   40% |
| ProSec   |  41% |  21% |  21% |  32% |   29% |
| FM       |  18% |  18% |  33% |  18% |   20% |
| Teach    |  11% |  30% |   1% |   0% |    8% |
| New      |   0% |   3% |   3% |   3% |    3% |
| ST Total | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |  100% |

Finally, if we sum up by funding source we see that Teach and FP each do around 30% of the total teaching and ProSec and FM do around 20% each. The "faculty funding" (base funding for research) is more evenly distributed this year: FP is 40% of ST and has 42% Fac, ProSec is 29% of ST and has 21% and FM is 20% and has 33% Fac.

In addition to all our 2015 faculty funding income (around 6M) I have allocated ~1.7M of the surplus from earlier years. So technically we are aiming at a loss of 1.7M for "Fac" in 2015.

The education budget seems to be in balance and we may even have 0.5-1M extra to spend which I think we also need to cover all the teaching. A more long-term prognosis is needed (at least involving 2016) to find out if this could mean a third new senior faculty position or just a one year guest teacher for 2015/2016.