Extern och intern representations = external and internal entertainment costs
University regulations for reimbursement of (mainly) meals for guests.
CSE department rules (Policy Dnr DI 2011/97):
- The external guests should normally be the majority (Swedish: "... antalet deltagare från universitetet endast i undantagsfall får överstiga antalet externa gäster")
- preferrably no alcohol (max 1-2 glasses of wine per person)
- max 700 kr / participant (changed from 600kr/p 2014-05-07)
- ...
Chalmers instruktioner (kap. 11)
The policy is based on the (pretty reasonable) idea that all employees get a salary and that the default case is for everyone to pay their own expenses using this salary. The policy then specifies a few special cases when the cost can still be reimbursed for a certain (small) number of employees. It can feel a bit assymetric that only one host gets payed per guest if there are several locals around, but that is still the message in the policy. To avoid limiting the number of people wanting to interact with the guest it may be good to prefer a cheaper venue + more (self-paying) locals in favour of a more fancy place and fewer (self-paying) locals.
Some extracts:
"Vilka får delta vid representation? Representation får avse personer som tillsammans med företrädare för en institution eller motsvarande träffas i frågor som har direkt samband med verksamheten inom Chalmers. Personer från Chalmers bör vara i minoritet vid representationen."
"Underlaget ska innehålla deltagarlista (innefattande namn, vilket företag eller motsvarande de företräder samt yrke/funktion i företaget), syfte, datum, kontering och attest."
"Ett tydligt syfte är nödvändigt för att säkerställa att representationen är kopplad till verksamheten och inte en privat levnadsomkostnad".
More links
- About VAT reporting
When organising a conference or workshop with at least a full-day program (~6h), meals can usually be included for the full group of participants (local and external). This is then not counted as "representation" but as a conference. Details in Chalmers instructions (section 11.4).
The underlying text (at GU) is this (where "Conference" strangely enough seems to be translated to "informationsmöte"):
In short: in your claim, include "an agenda with programme, purpose, participants and perhaps the invitation".