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Salary review instructions (Chalmers, 2016)

Dear all,

This mail concerns the upcoming salary review for teachers at Chalmers. GU employees and PhD students may stop reading here, as your salaries are subject to a separate agreement.

As line managers, I and Dave will have to propose new salaries for all of you in a few weeks. From this year on all employees should have at least one salary setting discussion (lönesättande samtal). Please book times for two "lönesättande samtal" in the two doodles (sent by email). (If we don't need the second one, we cancel it at the end of the first meeting.)

The formal salary criteria are described here:

Based on the criteria you are invited to provide us with factual information about your achievements in a free format. This "self-evaluation" need not/should not be long; a page or at most two should be sufficient. Please give us the input no later than 2016-02-03.

If you have some other role at Chalmers or GU (Head of Programme, Director of Studies, etc.) in which you report to somebody else than your line manager, please ask your manager in that role to provide some input to us about your achivements.

Summary (Chalmers, 2016)

  • The new salaries are for the period 2016-05-01 until 2017-04-30 (with one exception).
  • The new salaries will be paid in May.
  • Salary setting meetings in Feb/March: (doodle link sent by email)
  • Optional self-evaluation as input by 2016-02-03 (based on the Salary Criteria)


Salary revision instructions (Chalmers, 2015)

Dear all,

This mail concerns the upcoming salary revision for teachers at Chalmers. GU employees and PhD students may stop reading here, as your salaries are subject to a separate agreement.

As head of division I will have to propose new salaries for all of you by the end of February. The proposals will then pass different stages of negotiation before the Head of Department decides on salaries in April (for professors, also Karin Markides has a say). According to the time plan, you will be informed about your new salary early May.

You are all invited to provide me with more information before I make my proposal. You do this by booking a time for a "lönesamtal" (salary discussion) in the doodle at

Note that this is not a negotiation and we will not discuss salary levels; it is an opportunity for you to give your input.

The formal salary criteria are described here:

Based on the criteria you are invited to provide me with factual information about your achievements in a free format. This "self-evaluation" need not/should not be long; a page or at most two should be sufficient. I believe I am able to understand also terse formulations.

If you have some other role at Chalmers or GU (Head of Programme, Director of Studies, etc.) in which you report to somebody else than your head of division, please ask your manager in that role to provide some input to me about your achivements.

You may give me your self-evaluation as input also if you do not want a salary discuission. In that case, please give me the input no later than 2015-02-05.

Summary (Chalmers, 2015)

  • The new salaries are for the period 2015-05-01 until 2016-04-30 (with one exception).
  • The new salaries will be paid in May.
  • Optional salary discussion in Jan/Feb:
  • Optional self-evaluation as input by 2015-02-05 (based on the Salary Criteria)

Links to official sources

Salary policy (Chalmers):

Lönekriterier (Chalmers):

Salary discussion (GU):

Salary setting @GU "2014-10"

Short: Input needed by 2014-11-14.


This mail concerns the upcoming salary revision for teachers at GU (GeSc, RaEn, PhPh). PhD students and Chalmers employees may stop reading here, as your salaries are subject to separate agreements.

Salary setting @GU "2014-10"

Short: Input needed by 2014-11-14.


This mail concerns the upcoming salary revision for teachers at GU (GeSc, RaEn, PhPh). PhD students and Chalmers employees may stop reading here, as your salaries are subject to separate agreements.

As head of division I will have to propose new salaries for the three of you by mid November. The proposals will then pass different stages of negotiation before Jan S decides on salaries (for professors, also the rector has a say).

You are all invited to provide me with more information before I make my proposal. There may also be time to fit in a salary conversation. Note that this is not a negotiation and we will not discuss salary levels; it is an opportunity for you to give your input.

You are invited to provide me with factual information about your achievements in a free format. You may want to structure your information under the conventional headings

  • Research
publications, grants, invited talks, community roles (program committees, editorship)...
  • PhD education
courses given, students (co-)supervised, committee membership,...
  • Education (bachelor and master level)
course evaluations, course development, pedagogical achievements/awards/papers,...
  • Outreach
knowledge transfer to/from industry or elsewhere, popular science papers/talks,...
  • Personal improvement/development/initiatives
initiatives for change leading to improved economy/quality/cooperation/visibility,...
  • Employeeship
participation/engagement in (inter)departmental activities, contributions to good working environment,...

The document you give me need not/should not be long; a page or at most two should be sufficient. I believe I am able to understand also terse formulations.

You may give me your self-evaluation as input also if you do not want a salary conversation. In that case, please give me the input no later than 2014-11-14.

Salary notification 2013/2014


We have now completed all steps and it is time to communicate the new salary to all co-workers included in the revision. These 21 Chalmers employees at ST are included this time: AnSa, CeIo, ChCa, DaHe, DaSa, EmAx, JPB , JaSk, JoHu, JoNo, JoSv, JvHa, KoCl, LaKo, MaSh, MeWa, MoJo, NiBr, NiSm, UnHo, WoAh.

Every employee should have the new salary communicated by the manager in a personal (brief) meeting. The level should be motivated by the manager.

(Varje anställd ska få sin nya lön meddelad av sin chef vid ett personligt samtal. Lönesättningen ska motiveras av lönesättande chef.)

Due date for this individual communication is May 9th.

New salaries will be paid in May. (For one union (org. one individual) the salary change is retrospective from 2013-10-01.)


Salary negotiations are in the final stage but not ready yet (2014-04-28).

Salary revision instructions

(Original from Björn von Sydow 2013-01-30, updated by Patrik Jansson, 2014-01-18.)

Dear all,

This mail concerns the upcoming salary revision for teachers at Chalmers. PhD students may stop reading here, as your salaries are subject to a separate agreement.

As head of division I will have to propose new salaries for all of you by early March. The proposals will then pass different stages of negotiation before Jan J decides on salaries in April (for professors, also Karin Markides has a say). According to the time plan, you will be informed about your new salary early May.

You are all invited to provide me with more information before I make my proposal. You do this by booking a time for a "lönesamtal" (salary discussion) in the doodle at

Note that this is not a negotiation and we will not discuss salary levels; it is an opportunity for you to give your input.

You are invited to provide me with factual information about your achievements in a free format. You may want to structure your information under the conventional headings

  • Research
publications, grants, invited talks, community roles (program committees, editorship)...
  • PhD education
courses given, students (co-)supervised, committee membership,...
  • Education (bachelor and master level)
course evaluations, course development, pedagogical achievements/awards/papers,...
  • Outreach
knowledge transfer to/from industry or elsewhere, popular science papers/talks,...
  • Personal improvement/development/initiatives
initiatives for change leading to improved economy/quality/cooperation/visibility,...
  • Employeeship
participation/engagement in (inter)departmental activities, contributions to good working environment,...

The document you give me need not/should not be long; a page or at most two should be sufficient. I believe I am able to understand also terse formulations.

You may give me your self-evaluation as input also if you do not want a salary conversation. In that case, please give me the input no later than Feb. 28.

Links to official sources

Salary policy (Chalmers):

Lönekriterier (Chalmers):

Salary discussion (GU):