
Warning! Currently CMOS065 process is not functional.

To launch Cadence in 65nm technology using module system (v5.2.2)

  1. Create a project directory where all your files will be stored.
    > mkdir <directory>
    > cd <directory>
  2. add modules needed
    >module add star-rcxt-2008.12-SP3 (RHEL)
    >module add calibre-2009.1.46 (RHEL)
    >module add cmos065-5.2.2 (RHEL)

    Depending on system these may be named differently and have other versions check which are available by typing
    >module avail

    If module system is not initialized start it by typing
    >source /chalmers/sw/sup/cse/userinit/<shell name> (RHEL)
    where shell name can be

    to check which shell you are using type
  3. Start cadence

To launch Cadence in 65nm technology not using module system (v 4.21)

  1. Create a project directory where all your files will be stored.
    > mkdir <directory>
    > cd <directory>
  2. Copy setup files from the installation directory to your own project directory (you only have to do this once).
    > cp /cab/ce/sw/foundry/.stm/stm/cmos065/4.21/install/setup_working_dir/.cdsinit .
    > cp /cab/ce/sw/foundry/.stm/stm/cmos065/4.21/install/setup_working_dir/.cshrc_cmos065 .
    > cp /cab/ce/sw/foundry/.stm/stm/cmos065/4.21/install/setup_working_dir/.simrc .
    > cp /cab/ce/sw/foundry/.stm/stm/cmos065/4.21/install/setup_working_dir/.ucdprod .
    > cp /cab/ce/sw/foundry/.stm/stm/cmos065/4.21/install/setup_working_dir/cds.lib .
  3. Start TCshell.
    > tcsh
  4. Run the environment configuration file.
    > source ./.cshrc_cmos065
  5. Start Cadence.
    > icfb &

To run a schematic simulation with Spectre

Go to the Analog Environment dialog. Click Tools -> Setup Corners. Make any modifications you want and click Save Model File (you have to do this even if no modifications are made). You should now be ready to proceed as usual with the simulation.

To run DRC with Calibre

  1. Start Calibre DRC
    In the layout window click Calibre -> Run DRC
  2. Select the rules options you intend for the run. Click OK.
  3. Click "Run DRC" to start the job. Once finished the results should come up automatically.

To run LVS with Calibre

  1. Start Calibre LVS
    In the layout window click Calibre -> Run LVS
  2. Select the rules options you intend for the run. Click OK.
  3. Click "Run LVS" to start the job. Once finished the results should come up automatically.

To extract and run PLS

  1. In the layout window click Tools -> *Post-Layout Simulation -> Textual Netlist Import.
  2. In the simulation tab deselect hspice. In the Extraction tab select temperature (the analog environment default value is 27 °C) and Extraction Strategy. If you want to use another Extraction Strategy than RCMAX please read "Using other Extraction Strategies" further down.
  3. Click Run PLS. When the extractions is finished the icfb window should read "pls:PLS FLOW COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY".
  4. Due to some bug in the extraction the conversion to spectre format does not finnish even though it reports successfully. Copy the spice2spectre.csh converter from /cab/ce/work/research/group/vlsi/projects/cmos065/ to your cadence working directory. Then run the script with: ./spice2spectre.csh plsimulation/<library>-<cellname>-schematic/<library>-<cellname>-layout/phase1/pls1/extractRunDir/RCextract/<cellname>.spi <library>/<cellname>/pls_spectre_rcmax_rcc/text.txt
  5. In your config file use the PLS_RCMAX_RCc view and simulate as usual.
  6. Using other Extraction Strategies than RCMAX. Due to some problem with the spice2spectre script only RCMAX will work directly as intended. To convert other extraction strategies you have to first (if not already done) run a RCMAX extraction see 2 and 3 to set up the correct stop views. Note that this will overwrite any previous RCMAX extractions done, if you want to keep the netlist take a backup of the text.txt file. Repeat step 2 and 3 with your preferred extraction strategy. Run the script as in 4, do not change anyting, we want to "fool" the simulator that it is using the RCMAX netlist. To change between extraction strategies, store the text.txt file for each strategy at another location and just swap out the text.txt file in the pls_spectre_rcmax_rcc directory. Use the PLS_RCMAX_RCc view for any of the extracted simulations.