Master thesis projects
Welcome to the Theoretical subatomic physics group. We're looking forward to working together with you on your master thesis project. Below is some relevant information concerning your project work.
Please check for Chalmers guidelines and most recent versions of relevant documents at the following url: (here you will also find information regarding design and publication of the final thesis)
We strongly advocate a structured approach to project management and (in particular to) software development. Useful literature and web resources are collected at this page.
Key persons:
- Cathy Horellou (Director of Master's Programme Physics and Astronomy,
- Mats Granath, (Director of Master's Programme Complex Adaptive Systems,,
- Anne Seilonen (Administrative Support,
- Håkan Johansson (Local Computer System Administrator,
Before you start:
- Local computers:
- Read the information in the welcome package: department/subcomp.pdf
- Please email your CID to Håkan Johansson at
- Office and common facilities:
- Talk to supervisor regarding office space
- Request floor 8 after-hours access on your entrance card (ask admin/supervisor)
- Common facilities (printer room, laboratory, student room) can be accessed with a PIN code (please ask for it).
- Registration:
- Study the documents at Chalmers Studentportalen
- Write a brief project plan (together with your supervisor)
- Fill the registration form. Should be signed by the supervisor and the MPA (provide transcript of records to demonstrate prerequisites).
- Start filling the Work Card
Project guidelines:
The general requirements for Master projects at Chalmers include:
- a planning report,
- an interim report at half-time (for 60 hec projects),
- two signed presences at other students' degree project presentations,
- one assignment as opponent at another student's degree project disputation
- your approved project and seminar
A thesis work in our group also includes:
- Participation in group and department scientific meetings and seminars.
- Regular meetings with your project supervisor (about once per week).
- A background literature study that should result in a seminar to be presented at a group or department meeting. This should preferably be achieved during the first half of the project and should also form the base for the corresponding chapters in the project report and introductory part of the final seminar.