
Theoretical Subatomic Physics Wiki FAQ

How do I create a wiki-page?

There is often no need for a password to create a new wiki-page - all "unused" top level names are unprotected. Some "subdirectories" are password protected to avoid spam. The easiest way is to try to create a page and see if it works. Try following a link to a page which does not yet exist and the system will ask you if you want to create that new page. CF

Can anyone edit a wiki page?

No. There is a default password to edit wikis (however, there is no default password protection to read wikis). If you really want to make a wiki page X/Y free to edit for anyone you can set the password to @nopass (see How do you limit access to a page to only a selected group of users? below). CF

What is the directory structure of the wiki?

The Wiki-pages are organised in "groups" (elsewhere called "subdirectories") so all pages have an address ending in GroupName/PageName. Every group has a main page reached by just GroupName (it is stored under GroupName/GroupName). We have, for example, groups for the research groups (ESP, NT, ...) and they are probably all password protected. This wiki does not support nested groups / directories. CF

How do you limit access to a page to only a selected group of users?

You can password-protect a page X/Y by editing X/Y?action=attr . The wiki does not handle user accounts, so just share the password withing that group (only). The main site-password is (not written here - ask for it if you really need it) - it can be used to set / change passwords on any page within the wiki. CF

How do you add a password for all pages within the same group ("Eduction/" for example).

Go to the group's attribute-page: Education/GroupAttributes?action=attr CF

How do you change the side bar for a group X/ of subpages?

Edit the page X/SideBar. CF

How can I upload files to the wiki?

Use links of the form [[Attach:SomeName.pdf]] or use the top level right link Attach. For more help see Uploads. CF

How do I use Latex?

[ | Wikipublisher]] is a Typesetting Engine that is installed as an extension to PmWiki. It allows the production of wikibooks and most importantly provides equation support using Latex. See examples here (click edit to view the source).

As an example, the code {$ |x|=\sqrt{x^2} $} produces the output {$ |x|=\sqrt{x^2} $} CF