CSEtrack /
Computer Science for Engineers
This site collects Computer Science education resources for Engineers who's main field of study in not Computer Science.
Project goal:
- identify suitable education resources for MSc level students outside "core-CSE" but still interested in broadening or deepening their Computer Science competence
- sketch syllabi for new courses or parts of courses to complement what is already available
- (possibly) suggest changes in the current curriculum to make it easier to enter into the CSE field from outside
- The "core CSE" programmes include
- "IT" (Software Engineering)
- "D" (Computer Science and Engineering)
- The CSE MSc programmes: MPIDE (ID = Interaction Design), MPSEN (SET = Software Engineering and Technology), MPALG (CSALL = Computer Science: Algorithms, Languages and Logic), MPDCS (SDCS = Secure and Dependable Computer Systems), MPNET (NDS = Networks and Distributed Systems), MPIES (IESD = Integrated Electronic System Design)
- Some "near CSE" programmes are
- "E" (Electrical Engineering)
- "Z" (Automation and Mechatronics)
- "I" (Industrial Engineering and Management)
- A number of MSc programmes (TODO: fill in)
- The other programmes
- 5y: TM, F, Kf, K, Bt, M, TD, V, At, A
- Many MSc programmes
- Student Add Course The general MSc student questionnaire, Spring 2009, has free-text comments about courses lacking
- Votes from Directors of MSc programmes:
- Result summary: http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~patrikj/papers/MP_quest_20091101.pdf
- (original survey)
- The student portal
- Searching for kewords like computing, programming, computation, computer, software, algorithm, information,
- Resulting course list
- The list of existing CSE-courses (taught in English), (all)
- LADOK - should be possible to collect information on what courses non-CSE students take in the CSE area
- Programme syllabi for non-CSE programmes: some may have CSE-related tracks
- The BSc programme "I" has an "IT-track": Object-Oriented Programming 2, Algorithms and Datastructures, Databases, Software Engineering Fundamentals
- other universities - survey what they offer in the area (TODO)
- the CSE course dependency graph
This project is led by Patrik Jansson, autumn 2009.