
Group exercise at the WM2010 for the High Assurance Software MSc


A consortium of four universities work towards a European Masters in "High Assurance Software" with the aim to improve the MSc education and improve recruitment of strong students. Contacts are: Gothenburg: Patrik Jansson, Nijmegen: Rinus Plasmeijer, Budapest: Zoltán Horváth, Kolozsvár: Anna Soós. We plan to apply for the Erasmus Mundus funding scheme (would pay for scholarships to strong students). Deadline in late spring.



The first task is done in seven groups (one per unit / topic) of five participants each.

  • Each group participant should understand the unit (will be ambassador in next task)
  • Comment the unit (in writing) including relation to Chalmers existing courses

Each group has a Chair, resposible for keeping track of time, progress and documentation.

The second task is done in transposed groups: five groups of seven participants each.

  • Understand / discuss the MSc course as a whole
  • Comment the course description (in writing) and perhaps also the unit descriptions again

Hand in the commented papers to me.

Thanks for your help,
