
Tuesday, May 29 in Euler (-14.15) / FL61 (from 14.30)
13.15 (Euler)Group Theory and Symmetries in Physics (pdf)
 - GroupTheory1Rotationer och kvaternioner (math)1
 - GroupTheory2ManyBody2
<break + move to FL61>
14.30 (FL61)Configuration-Interaction Methods and Large-scale Matrix Diagonalization (pdf) (svensk sammanf.)
 - ManyBody1GroupTheory1
 - ManyBody2CrystalBall2
<break + coffee>
15.45Calibration Detector for Crystal Ball (pdf) (svensk sammanf.)
 - CrystalBall1ManyBody1
 - CrystalBall2PreCalibrated
16.45Precalibrated Ion Beam Identification Detector (pdf)
 - PreCalibratedCrystalBall1

Each presentation + opposition should take 20 + 10 minutes. This time restriction is strict since we will have many presentations.

The presentation (and opposition) groups are as follows:

GroupNamesPresentation languageSpecial focus
GroupTheory1Arian, Carl and SaladinSwedishElementary group and representation theory (chapter 1-4)
GroupTheory2Axel, Malin and ErikSwedishStructure of Lie algebras and external/internal symmetries (chapter 5-8)
ManyBody1Karin and SimonSwedishMatrix investigations (chap 1-3, 6-7, 8.2)
ManyBody2Joakim and PontusSwedishLanczos investigations (chap 1, 4-5, 8-9)
CrystalBall1Johannes, Niklas and VedadEnglishCalibration (chap. 1-4,7)
CrystalBall2Nikita, Per and ThomasEnglishSetup (chap. 1,3,5-7)
PreCalibratedRikard and PhilippeSwedish

1 The math project group Rotationer och kvaternioner consists of Niklas Andersson, Damiano Ognissanti, and Edvin Wedin from GU. They will present their project just before lunch in Euler and will be critiqued by GroupTheory2.