ST /
ST Division Meeting 2015-12-14 at 15:15 in TBD
(One of the ST Division Meetings.)
(DaSa chairs the meeting)
Prel. agenda:
- ST Winter Meeting 2016
- The yearly salary setting process at Chalmers is soon starting
- Information: Salary (soon to be updated)
- News for 2016: new "salary setting meetings" introduced
- The line manager sets the salary (after calibration at different levels)
- (The GU process for 2015 is ongoing.)
- New faculty positions in 2016
- It looks like the CSE department proposed plan will be accepted
- Proposed plan is 2 new Prof. positions (CE + CS) and one new AssProf (ST)
- Fakultetsmodellen / the faculty model
- (new, simpler name for basfinansieringsmodellen, DI-projektet, departemensmedelsmodellen, ...)
- A key question is the distribution of "slots" (faculty positions with partial funding from the faculty model)
- The basic decision is to keep the Chalmers-total constant and only discuss the distribution between departments.
- The 2016 level is already fixed to the level 2014-01-01.
- Next in line is the decision about the number of slots for 2017. (No later than 2016-04.)