Course Clusters and Teaching teams
The CS + ST divisions are working towards a semi-formal structure of course clusters and associated teaching teams to handle curriculum development and "stand-in" teachers.
- Sec (AnSa) = Security (meeting 2014-03-21)
- Alg. (PeDa) = Algorithms courses (meeting 2014-04-07)
- DStr (NAD) = Datastructures (and BSc algorithms) (meeting 2014-04-11)
- Logic (AnBo) = Logic and computation (meeting 2014-04-14)
- FM (LaKo) = Formal methods and testing (meeting 2014-04-??)
- Prog1 (ChCa) = first programming courses (meeting 2014-05-07)
- ParDist (OlLa) = Parallell and distributed computing (meeting 2014-05-23)
- Prog2 (JaSk?) = second + third programming courses
- FP (DaSa) = Functional Programming
- PLT (AaRa) = Programming Language Technology
- DataSci (DaWe) = Data Science and Applications
Tasks for the first course cluster meeting
Please meet before Easter - the chair calls for the meeting and makes sure some documentation is published at the wiki.
- Propose substitute teacher for each course
- Curriculum planning and revision: The teaching team is jointly responsible for the course cluster as a whole. It is in particular responsible for
- the internal coherence of the cluster (avoiding too much overlap and unintended gaps)
- the interface with other course clusters
- keeping up to date with international developments, new trends, etc, for example, comparison with the ACM Curriculum.
- Is this cluster "the right grouping"? What are related courses in other clusters etc.
- Prerequisites and placement of courses into study periods.
- Name of courses in the cluster.
2014-03-14: Course clusters (for CS + ST + overlaps)
Each cluster should have one senior faculty member as "Cluster Chair" for long-term curriculum development. (Each cluster can have a junior faculty member as co-chair.)
- Prog1 = first programming courses
- Prog1 Chair ChCa, Co-chair EmAx, JvH, CeIo, UnHo?, ErHo, KrAn
- Prog1: Objektorienterad programmering Z (@ST)
- Prog1: Programmerade system (I) (@ST)
- Prog1: Intro till funktionell programmering (@ST)
- Prog1: Objektorienterad programmering (IT) (@IT?)
- Prog1: Objektorienterad programmering (E/M) (@CS)
- Prog1: Programmeringsteknik (F) (@CS)
- Prog1: OOP intro (SE&M) (@SE but taught by CeIo)
- Prog1: Prog. (d) (@NS)
- Prog1: Cancelled: (Datorintroduktion GU (1.5hp) (@ST) + Introduktion till programmering (1.5hp) (@ST)
- Prog2 = second + third programming courses
- Prog2 Chair UnHo, Co-chair JaSk, JvHa, ChCa
- Prog2: Objektorienterad programmering (D) (@ST)
- Prog2: Objektorienterad programmering (d) (@ST)
- Prog2: Objektorienterad programvaruutveckling (DV) (@ST)
- Prog2: Objektorienterad programvaruutveckling fk (IT) (@ST)
- Prog2: Programmering fk (DV) (@ST)
- Prog2: Objektorienterade applikationer (d) (@ST)
- Prog2: Objektorienterat programmeringsprojekt (IT, DV) (@ST)
- DStr = Datastructures (and BSc algorithms)
- DStr Chair: NAD@CS, Co-chair: ErHo@CS, NiSm, UnHo, AnAb@CS, ...
- DStr: Datastrukturer (DV) (@ST)
- DStr: Datastrukturer (D) (@CS)
- DStr: Algoritmer och datastrukturer (d, I) (@ST)
- DStr: Logic, algorithms and datastructures (@CS)
- DStr: Datastructures and algorithms (IT) (@CS)
- FM = Formal methods and testing
- FM Chair LaKo, Co-chair WoAh, GeSc, MoJo, MeWa
- FM: Testing, debugging and verification (@ST)
- FM: Model based testing (@ST)
- FM: Software engineering using formal methods (@ST)
- FM: Test and verification (@ST)
- FP = Functional Programming
- FP Chair DaSa, Co-chair MaSh, PaJa, JoHu, EmAx
- FP: Functional programmering (@ST)
- FP: Intro till funktionell programmering (D) (@ST)
- FP: Advanced functional programming (@ST)
- FP: Parallel Functional Programming (@ST)
- PLT = Programming Language Technology
- PLT Chair AaRa@CS, Co-chair JoSv, DaSa, JPB, AnAb@CS
- PLT: Compiler Construction (@ST)
- PLT: Frontiers of Programming Languages (@ST)
- PLT: Programming Language Technology (@CS)
- PLT: Programming paradigms (@ST)
- (PLT: Advanced Functional Programming (@ST))
- Sec = Security
- Sec Chair AnSa, Co-chair KaMi@NS, DaHe, ...
- Sec: Computer Security (@NS)
- Sec: Cryptography (@ST)
- Sec: Language-based security (@ST)
- Sec: Network security (@NS)
- DataSci = Data Science and Applications
- DataSci: Chair: Dag Wedelin, Co-chair: Graham Kemp, ...
- DataSci: Databases (@CS+@ST)
- DataSci: Webapplikationer (@ST)
- DataSci: Mathematical modelling and problem solving (@CS)
- DataSci: Computational methods in bioinformatics (@CS)
- DataSci: Computational syntax
- Logic = Logic and computation
- Logic Chair Ana, Thierry, Peter Dy, Bengt
- Logic: Automata and Formal Languages (@CS)
- Logic: Logic in CS (@CS)
- Logic: Models of Computation (@CS)
- Logic: Types for Programs and Proofs (@CS)
- Alg. = Algorithms courses
- Alg. Chair Peter Da, Devdatt, Christos, Chien-Chung, Erland, Peter Lj
- Alg.: Advanced Algorithms (@CS)
- Alg.: Algorithms (@CS)
- Alg.: Artificial Intelligence (@CS)
- Alg.: Discrete Optimization (@CS)
- Alg.: Machine Learning (@CS)
- ParDist: Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Chair OlLa@NS, Co-Chair: AlRu
- ParDist: Concurrent programming (@ST)
- ParDist: Operating Systems (@NS)
- ParDist: Distributed Systems (@NS)
- ParDist: Distributed Systems II (@NS)
- ParDist: Parallell Functional Programming (@ST)