ST /
Introduction plan for new employees at Software Technology
(Based on the departmental intro plan. See also IntroNewPhDStudent.)
See also the central information "New at Chalmers".
Line manager (see Employees)
- Make an introduction plan (day 1, week 1, week 2)
- Assign a "mentor" (fadder). Some of the below may be delegated to the "mentor"
- Go through the plan with the new employee
- Present to colleagues and support staff
- Inform other co-workers (through div. meeting and Weekly News)
- Go through the employement description + associated documents
- "How is it going?" - introduction follow-up after around 2 weeks
Mentor (TBD)
- set up an arrival time an place
- present you to colleagues and support staff
- show you around the premises (offices, lunch room, mail room, meeting rooms)
- arrange a common lunch with colleagues and show possible lunch places
- transportation options (public transport, parking)
Div. secretary (Lotta):
- set up computer account (register room and phone number in PDB)
- hand over key, key-card, information package
- Paperwork: "Next-of-kin" form, bank form for salary transfer
- Present routines for travel-booking, business travel approval, travel claims
- informs about booking of meeting- and teaching-rooms
- show "Who to ask" on the departmental homepage
HR-specialist (Sofie):
- employment contract
- regulations, organisation, ...
Head of Administration (Sanna Erling Glyssbo):
- security briefing
Office, furniture, phone (Marianne)
- Who to ask:
- Patrik:
- Lotta:
- Sofie:
- Sanna:
- Marianne: