ST /
ST Division Meeting 2015-09-09 at 10:00 in the EDIT-room (3364)
(One of the ST Division Meetings.)
- 1. Overall situation of ST (Patrik)
- Proposed new division structure: Formal Methods (FM), Functional Programming (FP), Information Security (iSec)
- VP 2017: planning process ongoing - please provide information to the Steering Group members.
- Employee Survey results
- 2. Plans for the Winter meeting
- Will we have it?
Patrik: 'Independent of the upcoming org. changes there is a strong consensus to uphold the tradition of "Software Technology Winter Meetings".'
- When, where?
- Organizers and distribution of tasks?
- Format?
There are usually talks as well as social activities and we often spend two full days with overnight stay.
- 3. Newcomers' party: Carlo
- 4. Work environment
- How should we set up our work environment so that employees feel motivated?
- How can we set up a system for regular sabbaticals (every X years)?
- How do we encourage national and international collaboration?
- Is it possible to get a thinker tank (as in the old times, ex. Bell Labs, )
- 5. Information about bachelor projects on the D, IT and DV programmes: Niklas
If time:
- 6. Financial situation of ST: Sara / Johan H (TBC)
- Status 2016
- Budget for 2017
- Fakultetsmedel Chalmers and GU: how much? what can we use it for?
- 7. Suggestion for new teaching structure
- Should we try to get the structure proposed at our last winter meeting? Faculty staff (high level) + senior PhD students (with more responsibility) + master students or 1st year PhD students (labs, exercises, etc)
Other information
Newcomers' party preparation
There is a tradition that the "newcomers" organize a party in Oct/Nov - some more information is included below.
Newcomers after the 2015 party (= org. committee!):
- 2016-01-01: CaFu = Carlo Furia, AssocProf
- 2016-02-01: JoKi = Kilhamn Jonatan, PhD student
- 2016-06-01: MaAl = Maximilian Algehed, Amanuens
- 2016-06-20: JeYu = Chen (Jeff) Yu-Ting, PhD student
- 2016-09-01: AnLö = Andreas Lööw, PhD student
- 2016-09-05: PaPS = Pablo Picazo-Sanchez, PostDoc
- 2015-11-18:
- 2014-11-28: Org.: Magnus, Markus, Musard & Simon
- 2013-11-11: