
General information

Here is a collection of information for all new members in Chemical Physics

Content (clickable):

Key and access card

Office Key and Key Card: You get them from vaktmästeriet ( Your supervisor has to contact them to assure that you should get a key and key card.

Room booking and technical service

The small meeting room on our floor (F5002), as well as Lundqvist on the far side of the lunch room and Lise Meitner beyond Café Nyfiket, are booked on a physical calendar hanging outside the rooms. Raven & Fox (our floor), Nexus (the group meeting room), the meeting rooms O4141 and O4142 (beyond Café Nyfiket), the PJ lecture hall and the Ping Pong room on the third floor are booked via Intranet. For other rooms, see Intranet.

If you encounter any technical problems, in particular related to rooms and offices, contact vaktmästeriet (

Chalmers ID (CID)

You need a Chalmers ID to be able to login to your e-mail account, at the Student Portal, to get internet access and to reach the Canvas course pages. Make sure that you receive your Chalmers ID as soon as possible.


Once you have your Chalmers ID, you should be able to access your e-mail account at Use your CID as username and password. You can ask IT Support ( to add an alias if you want that. Then you will be reachable at both firstname.lastname and

To get on the Chemical Physics mailing list ( you should contact the web page responsible, Thanos Theodoridis (, or Henrik Grönbeck (

Profile on our webpage

At the moment, it is not possible to edit the profile page in Chalmers website. However you are encouraged to edit your profile page in the Intranet under My profile.
Make sure that your contact details are up to date, especially if you change offices.

Information document

Working at Chemical Physics it is important to have knowledge on Chalmers policies for equality and work environment. Everyone should also know the routines for purchase and traveling. This information is collected at Chalmers internal web - Intranet. Read the material on the links. Sign the document and give a copy to Lars Hellberg. Download the document here.

Personal portal (Primula)

There is a personal portal (Primula)
Here you can find and administrate your vacation days, report sick leave, find your specification of salary and get travel and/or expenses reimbursed.

Epassi (Benefit portal)

Epassi is the new supplier for wellness contribution that all Chalmers employees can use.
More infornation here.


Travels should/must be booked through Egencia. If you need a reference number, ask your line manager.

As a Chalmers employee you are insured when you are travelling. Log-in on Chalmers Intranet on this link for more information.
If you have a Swedish personal number, it might be a good idea to have an EU health insurance card, that guarantees health care at the same cost as in Sweden in all EU countries. More information at Forsakringskassan.

LRS (salary and travel reimbursement service)

Information about salary, travel reimbursment or things related turn to LRS, contact your line manager.

Library Card

Library Card: To get a library card, you need to visit one of the libraries. You just need to show your CID to them then you will get a library card.

Printing posters and theses

Reproservice offers printing services of various kinds. It is possible to order printing online by uploading the file you wish to print. More information here.

Printers and computers

For printers and other computer-related issues look on the wiki at printers and/or computers.

Software licenses

For common E-services see the list here. For all available software by Chalmers, open up the "Chalmers connect" app in your CDA computer. If the software you are looking for is not there, contact Lars Hellberg ( for more information.


Various templates, for example a door sign template can be found here.


Secretaries at the department and who you may contact in case you have any administrative issues are:

General support/questions to the Physics department administration ('kansliet') can be sent to (

Purchase and procurement

There is a right way of purchasing and procuring things at Chalmers. Ask your immidate manager regarding purchasing.

Log-in to wikipage

To get a log-in on this wikipage to be able to add information you think is missing or to log-in to the locked pages we have to add you manually. E-mail Thanos ( and ask to be added. You will get a default username and password, but these can be changed (confidentially) later.

Post box

Remind your supervisor and ask how and where you should put your name on the post boxes in the printer room.

Door sign

As soon as possible you should update the door sign to your office and add yourself. A template for this is available under templates.

Group meetings

Attend the Chemical Physics group meetings every second Friday at 09:00 in most cases. If there are special circumstances the group meetings can change in time and everyone will be informed ahead of time. See Group meetings for more information. In addition to this, there are more or less regular subdivisional meetings; your supervisor should be able to guide you about these.


Here it is specified what days are holidays at Chalmers:
Swedish holidays and half-days Regarding taking vacation, see Primula.

Geographical guidance (map)

Here is a map of Chalmers. Chemical Physics is located in Forskarhuset (Research bulding) which you can find here. There is also an app Find Your Way at Chalmers available for iOS and Android.


Delivery/Visiting address
Chalmers University of Technology
Department of Physics
Fysikgränd 3
412 96 Göteborg​

Invoice address
Chalmers University of Technology
Invoice service / Fakturaservice
160504/ "add here your supervisor's invoice code"
412 96 Göteborg​





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