ST Senior Faculty meetings
ST-avdelningens fasta personal (2014-08-21):
- Alejandro Russo
- Andrei Sabelfeld
- Christer Carlsson
- Dave Sands
- Gerardo Schneider
- Jan Skansholm
- Joachim von Hacht
- John Hughes
- Koen Lindström Claessen
- Laura Kovacs
- Mary Sheeran
- Patrik Jansson
- Uno Holmer
- Wolfgang Ahrendt
- diskutera aktuella frågor för avdelningen och institutionen
- utbyta information om verksamheten (grundutbildning, forskning, samverkan, stöd)
- leda avdelningens verksamhet (det formella ansvaret ligger på avdelningschefen men vi måste i praktiken hjälpas åt)
2015-05-05 and 2015-05-08
(If you can make both you are very welcome but you only need to come to one of the slots.)
This was a difficult week so I have now booked _two_ slots to maximize coverage. The first slot is
so, roughly speaking "FP + FM". The second slot is
so, roughly speaking "Teach + ProSec"
Autumn 2014
Prel. plan was to meet the last Friday of the month.
2014-11-28: ST faculty lunch (Nov)
2014-10-31: No meeting (höstlov)
2014-09-30: ST faculty meeting (Sep)
Short: planning meeting with recruitment + edu. focus.
Details. Jag behöver tyvärr flytta lunchmötet 2014-09-26 så detta är ett försök att hitta den tid som passar flest inom en vecka efter. Inbjudna deltagare: alla 14 fast anställda på ST-avdelningen + Ana Bove som studierektor för grundutbildningen eftersom vi behöver börja på en långsiktig plan för grundutbildningen bemanning. Vi har en preliminär plan att rekrytera två fasta tjänster under 2015 och detta är en stor fråga som måste förankras ordentligt.
2014-08-29: Friday 12-13
Kort: Välkomna på lunchmöte för ST-avdelningens fasta personal. Vänligen säg till i förväg om ni vet att ni inte kan komma med.
Details: http://wiki.portal.chalmers.se/cse/pmwiki.php/ST/FacultyMeetings
It is time for the August meeting of the "ST Senior Faculty group" [0]. As last time we will have lunch in "Fakultetsvåningen" at "Chalmersvillan" [1]. I suggest we meet by my room on the 5th floor of the EDIT building at 11.50, walk down to Villan, queue up for lunch food around 12.00 and take our trays to some room on the second floor for the meeting. We'll be done by 13.00.
Agenda items this time:
- feedback wanted on Chalmers central proposal for base funding http://wiki.portal.chalmers.se/cse/pmwiki.php/ST/BaseFundingProposal
- who is applying for Education Quality Funding by 2014-09-10?: http://wiki.portal.chalmers.se/cse/pmwiki.php/Education/QualityFunding
- connect to Junior Faculty doing pedagogical projects?
- Head of Department recruitment status update?
- VP 2015 (planning for 2015 onwards)
- PhD students (as TAs) want earlier couse planning meetings to be able to plan their time better
- PhD students want faculty to encourage contacts with industry
- Junior faculty want more support with career planning
Spring 2014
ST Senior Faculty lunch meeting 2014-05-05 in Chalmersvillan
Kort: Välkomna på lunchmöte för ST-avdelningens fasta personal på måndag på "Villan".
Details: http://wiki.portal.chalmers.se/cse/pmwiki.php/ST/FacultyMeetings
It is time for the May meeting of the "ST Senior Faculty group" [0]. As last time we will have lunch in "Fakultetsvåningen" at "Chalmersvillan" [1]. I suggest we meet by my room on the 5th floor of the EDIT building at 11.50, walk down to Villan, queue up for lunch food around 12.00 and take our trays to some room on the second floor for the meeting. We'll be done by 13.00.
Agenda items this time:
- Education: applying for Quality Funding by 2014-09-10: http://wiki.portal.chalmers.se/cse/pmwiki.php/Education/QualityFunding
- Sabatticals?
- Software Infrastructure Engineer recruitment
- Head of Department recruitment status update?
- Autumn meetings: meeting time + agenda ideas welcome!
[0] Gruppens medlemmar är de 14 tillsvidareanställda på ST-avdelningen. Vänligen säg till i förväg om ni vet att ni inte kan komma med. Alejandro Russo Andrei Sabelfeld Christer Carlsson Dave Sands Gerardo Schneider Jan Skansholm Joachim von Hacht John Hughes Koen Lindström Claessen Laura Kovacs Mary Sheeran Patrik Jansson Uno Holmer Wolfgang Ahrendt
[1] Gibraltargatan 1A, 411 32 Göteborg http://narahem-catering.blogspot.se/p/matsedel-villan.html http://narahem-catering.blogspot.se/p/fakultetsvaning.html
ST Senior Faculty lunch meeting 2014-04-07 in Chalmersvillan
till Dave, John, Mary, Andrei, Koen, Wolfgang, Laura, Gerardo, Joachim, Jan, Christer, Uno, Alejandro
Kort: Välkomna på lunchmöte för ST-avdelningens fasta personal på måndag på "Villan".
Details: It is time for the April meeting of the "ST Senior Faculty group" [0]. As last time we will have lunch in "Fakultetsvåningen" at "Chalmersvillan" [1]. I suggest we meet by my room on the 5th floor of the EDIT building at 11.50, walk down to Villan, queue up for lunch food around 12.00 and take our trays to some room on the second floor for the meeting. We'll be done by 13.00.
Agenda items this time:
- Status of the new Head of Department process (Dave)
- VR grant application status update (all)
- Upcoming meetings in May, June, autumn: agenda ideas welcome!
[0] Gruppens medlemmar är de 14 tillsvidareanställda på ST-avdelningen. Vänligen säg till i förväg om ni vet att ni inte kan komma med. Alejandro Russo Andrei Sabelfeld Christer Carlsson Dave Sands Gerardo Schneider Jan Skansholm Joachim von Hacht John Hughes Koen Lindström Claessen Laura Kovacs Mary Sheeran Patrik Jansson Uno Holmer Wolfgang Ahrendt
[1] Gibraltargatan 1A, 411 32 Göteborg http://narahem-catering.blogspot.se/p/matsedel-villan.html http://narahem-catering.blogspot.se/p/fakultetsvaning.html
Subject: ST Senior Faculty lunch meeting 2014-03-03 in Chalmersvillan
To: AlRu, AnSa, ChCa, DaSa, GeSc, JaSk, JvHa, JoHu, KoCl, LaKo, MaSh, PaJa, UnHo, WoAh
Time flies and we are already at the March meeting of the newly formed "ST Senior Faculty group". This time we will have lunch in "Fakultetsvåningen" at "Chalmersvillan" [1]. I suggest we meet by my room on the 5th floor of the EDIT building at 11.50, walk down to Villan, queue up for lunch food around 12.00 and take our trays to some room on the second floor for the meeting. We'll be done by 13.00.
Agenda items this time:
- Input for the CSE steering group meeting 2014-03-11 on Recruitment of junior faculty (Patrik)
- Increasing adm. support? (Patrik)
- Recruiting a "Research Software Engineer" at 25-50%? (Laura)
- Brief status of the new Head of Department process (?)
- VR framework grant application discussion (John+Koen? about FP, Andrei+Dave? about ProSec, Gerardo+Wofgang+Laura? about FM, other?)
- Upcoming meetings in April, May, June: agenda ideas welcome!
[1] Gibraltargatan 1A, 411 32 GÖteborg
- http://narahem-catering.blogspot.se/p/matsedel-villan.html
- http://narahem-catering.blogspot.se/p/fakultetsvaning.html
Subject: ST Senior Faculty lunch meeting
To: AlRu, AnSa, ChCa, DaSa, GeSc, JaSk, JvHa, JoHu, KoCl, LaKo, MaSh, PaJa, UnHo, WoAh
Hello everyone,
At the January division meeting we decided to start with lunch meetings for the senior faculty. One purpose is to help out in leading the division forward by discussing current events and plans for the future. http://wiki.portal.chalmers.se/cse/pmwiki.php/ST/FacultyMeetings
The first such meeting will take place on Monday 2014-02-03 from 12.00-13.00 in EDIT 6128. The lunch is at your own expense, everyone will pay for themselves.
Hope to see you all at the lunch meeting - Welcome!
/ Patrik (via Jonna)
Agenda (items Patrik needs feedback on or help with):
- Jubileumsprofessor Benjamin Pierce
- Education for PostDocs?
- Recruitment of MaMy
- Recruitment of "Software Infrastructure Engineer"
- Increasing adm. support