VR project applications 2013 from the CSE department

Applications granted 2013-11-04

Div.UnivSökandeTypProjekt titel2014201520162017TotalComment
CSGUDanielsson, Nils AndersJrPractical nested induction and coinduction8408408408403360
STChalmersKovacs, LauraJrGenPro: Generating and proving program properties via symbol elimination8408408408403360
STChalmersLindström Claessen, KoenPRGProof-based testing -- Using proof techniques to enable automated testing of complex algorithms8408408408403360
STChalmersMyréen, MagnusJrSystems verification - the last mile9609609609603840

Statistics for the whole natural sciences area:

  • PRG: 19% granted (229 / 1218)
  • Jr grants: 8% granted (64 / 769)


Applications submitted 2013-04-11

Div.UnivSökandeTypProjekt titel20142015201620172018Comment
CEChalmersAssarsson, UlfPRGRealistic 3D web rendering.12381247132013441409
CE?ChalmersEmrich, AndersInd dr studentPolyphase-based signal processing system for ground and space applications    x
CEChalmersLarsson Edefors, PerPRGSAREC: Subkernel acceleration for reduced energy computing946974102010381096
CEChalmersSourdis, IoannisJrScalaNet: Scalable network-processing907932105710581141
NSChalmersLandsiedel, OlafJrGreenNets: Energy efficient communication paradigms for the internet10051045109511561138
NSChalmersSjälander, MagnusJrHEED: A holistic approach to energy-efficient data access101599610491065x
CS?ChalmersCapannini, GabrieleJrAn Efficient Approach to Multi-Document Summarization of Big Data890921955xx
CSChalmersDamschke, PeterPRGOptical decisions in hard combinatorial problems985101910531090x
CS?ChalmersDimitrakakis, ChristosJrOptimal decisions in generalised domains22852300241124652599
CSChalmersHuang, Chien-ChungJrEnergy-efficient algorithms10001032107711041170
CSChalmersKemp, GrahamPRG MHStructural modelling to support deimmunization of therapeutic proteins109011201159xx
CSGUDanielsson, Nils AndersJrPractical nested induction and coinduction6981108122212541399
STChalmersJansson, PatrikPRGStrongly Typed Libraries for Programs and Proofs993100510491093117420% Patrik + 80% new PhD student. JPB co-applicant.
STChalmersJohansson, MoaJrTheory exploration for reasoning about programs9219319749981072
STChalmersKovacs, LauraJrGenPro: Generating and proving program properties via symbol elimination1062107611231169122920% Laura+ 80% new PhD student + Travel/laptop/phD exam.
STChalmersLindström Claessen, KoenPRGProof-based testing -- Using proof techniques to enable automated testing of complex algorithms9228709209311004
STChalmersMyréen, MagnusJrSystems verification - the last mile5069619931046531
STChalmersSvenningsson, JosefJrEfficient array transformations96898110241048112520% Josef + 80% PhD student
STChalmersWang, MengJrSource-level tool support for free1042105711051133121320% Meng + 10% Emil (co-applicant) + 80% PhD student
STGUSchneider, GerardoPRGFormal analysis and monitoring of contracts8758619229921085
SEChalmersBosch, JanInfrastr pl grantXL: Accelerating science with big data.21032178xxx
SEGUBerger, ChristianJrEXPRESSO - Exploring optimisation strategies for regression simulations92492110201076x
SEGUBerntsson Svensson, RichardJrA Framework for Creativity in Agile Software Engineering - CASE11691201130412951490
SEGUChaudron, MichelPRGAutomated Prioritization of Software Design Flaws10621043115012081317
SE?ChalmersHeldal, RogardtPRGNext generation software development through software modelling tools13721397145514951586
SEGUStaron, MiroslawPRGPreventing architecture erosion by automated identification and prevention of implici architectural dependencies.112215201135xx
SEGUTichy, MatthiasJrCORAL - CO-evolution of architectuRAL and quality models91988799910201163
SEGUTorkar, RichardPRGThe development and usage of structured equation modeling in software engineering research - SEMSE1155117712111246x


Budget approximation:

The 2012 CSE.chalmers.se VR budget sheet. Last year (2011) it gave the following numbers (excluding travel, equipment)

If granted670kkr/year800kkr/year
Pays for44%52%of a Bitr.prof
or59%70%of a PostDoc
or81%97%of a PhD student

Note the "or" - if you want salary for two categories you need to scale down even further. For example 800kkr is enough for 80% of a PhD student and 9% of a Bitr.prof.

The 670kkr/year and 800kkr/year are what typical projects were granted in 2010.